Why is my stem red


i read somewhere red/purple stems can be caused by fluctuation in temperature!?does your grow room get cold when the lights are off?


they are growing in my wardrobe under clfs and leds i have a fan running but it cant rotate lol so i just put it on for 15-30 mins every 30 to 15 mins. the fan increases when the lights are on and blows less a little less when they are off


From what i remember red/purple stems are the beginning of a phosphorous deficiency. I could be wrong though. Its been awhile since My first grow and thats when I had that problem. It could also just be the strain. I'm thinking once you start feeding her, the problem will go away though. Or at least it won't worsen. Maybe somebody will come along with a better memory than I, and confirm or deny this. Either way, if she stays green and looks to be thriving, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hope this helps. Good luck and happy growing.


my red stem has now spread this is one of my twin plants 1 is outside same age and one is inside under cfl's and a led panal here are some new pics of it there pretty awsomePicture 214.jpgPicture 215.jpgPicture 213.jpg


Well-Known Member
Your plants are gonna die...... Just kidding it's normal for certain strains my GDP does it as well as my Purple Bubba


when u said my plants are gunna die my heart jumped lol + i am really ripped at the moment, i dont know the strain i got it out of a 20 doller bag of weed that had a seed in it hows that for luck and then decided to grow it lol


Active Member
stem red?? because...hope you understand because my englisch is NOT verry well...sorry about that...
but the problem= to many stress can have it about temperature, OR you give them to many (eat) feet i don't know the word...nutrianc?? help me....
mostly is overfeet than you get this i see the last picture and see a yellow leave.....it's a singn about overfeeding. greets Dutchgrower.

To clean that: take water with correct PH en trippel that on the x what the plant have....pppfffffffff sorry:
explane: when the pot is 1 litter or gallon i don't know take X3 water en clean , so you have 1 liter container, take 3 liters en give it.......clean water!!!

clean? i think thats NOT the word but oke...hope you understand.


well dutch grower the ph is 6.8 and i have not used any nutrients at all not even once on this plant,and the temp is 26*c so your WRONG!