Why have her leaves closed up?


Well-Known Member
heat and low humidity does that but if the other plants right next to it then maybe its somehow gettin less water....????

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Without knowing your soil,fert,water and light data it is very difficult to make a accurate diagnosis but they could be showing a micro-nutrient deficiency. Typically upward turned leaves indicate a Manganese deficiency and can be corrected with a light dose of ordinary Epsom salts (as little as 1/4 teaspoon/gal of water.) If you attempt this, be sure to use a accurately calibrated pH meter and try to get the water to between 6.5-7.0. Abuse/overuse of Mg can cause "lockout" of macros and micros as well so be patient and wait 1-2 weeks for any improvement before attempting more amendment(s).


Without knowing your soil,fert,water and light data it is very difficult to make a accurate diagnosis but they could be showing a micro-nutrient deficiency. Typically upward turned leaves indicate a Manganese deficiency and can be corrected with a light dose of ordinary Epsom salts (as little as 1/4 teaspoon/gal of water.) If you attempt this, be sure to use a accurately calibrated pH meter and try to get the water to between 6.5-7.0. Abuse/overuse of Mg can cause "lockout" of macros and micros as well so be patient and wait 1-2 weeks for any improvement before attempting more amendment(s).
Alright fair enough, my apologies. I'm using straight potting soil, straight tap water and about 126w of CFL shared amongst 2 plants.
For fert i use something called Seagro Organic Plant food which i mix a teaspoon of into my water every second watering or so.
But it seems to contain the manganese you're talking about - 2mg/kg.
I'll get some Epsom salts and try that. If you wanna have a look at the set up click my sig.
Thanks for the advice man.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Leaning towards overwatering. Allow it to dry out thorougly between waterings and see if there is any improvement.


They seemed to have opened up since my last water. Fucks knows what caused it but at least its getting better.