Why don't people like Texas?


Well-Known Member
I think people judge us Texans a little too hard. I've only seen a handful of racist people in my life.. Sure people have guns.. But not every house. Not even every other house. And most of the people ONLY use their guns for hunting. I've never seen some pissed off redneck on a rocking chair "guarding" his property. We're not dumb either, we went through the same evolution as all the other humans of the world. Our brains are made just the same. We all don't worship jesus and disown others.

I've noticed we have some very judgmental pricks who form their opinions around stereotypes.. I know, stereotypes are created somehow.. But come on, you guys make us sound like crazed gun shooting freaks.


Well-Known Member
"Oh, and the only reason Texas wants to secede is because Obama won again. A lot of texans are so shallow and live a pathetic existence that something as minor as skin color makes them want to give up their citizenship. Don't expect to come back in later when the state is full of illegal immigrants. Now the KKK has a new race to target." - jtprin