Why does weed make you rebel?


Well-Known Member
Why does weed make you want to rebel against the government?

I cant smoke without thinking of taking down the government, like wtf?

Anyone else feel this way? Is this a good thing?


Well-Known Member
Yep, weed opens your mind and makes you think in ways that TV and Public schooling don't. Weed opens the door to learning about how much we are all getting screwed.


New Member
I think because you can look at life in a lighter sense, you are less likely to have denial or to become numb, because of the 'content' feelings it gives you, your brain can take the harsh reality and its lol status :) Lets call it the opposite of comfortably numb, because thats a cool song, yea rock on !


Well-Known Member
Its because once you smoke marijuana you realize that its not at all what the Government and other authorities claimed it was, so if they lied about Marijuana you begin to wonder what else they are lying about.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
There have been studies done on how marijuana affects memory. In some ways it decreases certain memory functions, and others it increases. Short term memory is decreased and little new learning happens. Long term memory usage increases. People for example can say more words that begin with the same letter while high than sober. In essence, you become more aware of you and less aware of others. You'll tend to be more self aware and concentrate on what's preventing things from happening in your life. The government is a major controller in everyones life, so you'll tend to focus on that. If you smoked in high school, you'd probably be likely to focus on parents and teachers.

Which goes to show you why not many stoners actually accomplish things. You may think you're becoming wiser, but with less new learning, you only keep rehashing the old. You must learn more to become wiser. While weed may be fun and help you cope, it hampers any true real learning.