Why does the "rollitup.org Home Tab have to read "Marijuana Growing"?


I don't like the fact that the first Tab when I open rollitup.org say Marijuana Growing. I use Xmarks to save bookmarks to more then one PC. I am not happy with that title. Is it necessary. This site is more then about growing.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if that's why it's titled this way, but it's good from an SEO (seach engine optimization) point of view. This site is based around growing information on the forum. The other sections are really just filler, conversations and such.


Well-Known Member
just make it the exception to the xmarks rule.
i don't bookmark it, i just keep it in address bar becasue i visit the site frequently.
it's not as though the url us hard to remember, eh?


Well-Known Member
If you're really THAT worried about, I can throw together a greasemonkey script to change the title to what ever you want when you are on the site.


Well-Known Member
fyi ThatShit, i think he was referring to teh tab itself on the top of the browser, not the name of his bookmark in the bookmark menu. i could be wrong....