why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better


Well-Known Member
Because all the other kids are doing it. Later I hear we're jumping off a bridge (hope it's as much fun as smoking reefer)
well if ya gotta go, go out with a joint but if you smoked it first the bridge thing wouldnt have been a thought at all!lol cannabis physcology 101;)
first time i smoked was when i was 19. i just smoked with my buddy as we went back roading listening to music. he eventually moved away . so i became roomates with my other buddy which is a bigger pot head. we smoked all day and every day. i stopped for a while after that. started back up when i met some new friends. seems everybody smokes weed and cant get away from it. i smoke because i dont like drink and i am more tolerable when i smoke not so much when i am drinking. now i have back problems from work and got my card. i smoke maybe a gram a week only to relieve pain most of the time. i bet that sure to change when my first crop comes in. check it out on the link below


Well-Known Member
I Started my late senior year.. long story short I only smoked at night when I had a friend to burn with, than I met this girl that burned everyday and she was always at her neighbors house cuz her mom had no home.. and the guy knew i liked her so he kept telling me to bring a joint cuz the girl wanted it.. and next thing ya know im burnin about 30$ worth just to smoke with her, and the guy kept using me for the tree.. its sad what ppl do just to get high (oh btw I had Purple Kush and Royal Purp allll daaay) so it was EXTREMELY smooth and now I burn every morning middle of day and night by myself or with people.

Everytime i have tons of tree I just invite people, I even invited people from the streets and next thing you know they give me a deal for 1,100 a LB haha what are the CHANCES hahaha :P :P