Why do users with less than 50 post try and give advice on the newbie forum?


Well-Known Member
I just dont get it. They themselves have simple questions posted ,but they think they can answer any question that gets asked.

Most of the time they are wrong.:-o


Well-Known Member
lol well maybe they think they learned alot and try to help others? though i do think its just a case of ego


Well-Known Member
I see what you mean but we can't really put it all on post counts.I guess it's just alot of peeps want to be helpful but some just get ahead of themselves.I think what matters more is how that person reacts if proven wrong or if some one is trying to give correct info.

We're humans homie........we suck!


Active Member
Just cause your new to a site, doesn't mean your new to growing. I do agree I have seen some whoppers for answers from newbies, but I would hope to think that anyone seeking advice, checks the source of the answer either by viewing others posts by the newbie helper, or waiting (or searching the forum, yeah right) for confirmation. Post count should never be considered a sign of knowledge, or lack of. If I had 5000 post that were just "man, nice Plant", then it wouldn't mean squat, but if you go by post count, you would think I'm "leet". We can talk about it till the end of time however, but it won't change the fact that most people jump with the first answer they get, without checking the answer for themselves. In this age, you can find just about anything on the web anyways.


Active Member
I used too, only if i was 100% sure and I would always say that i was still abit of a noob. Generally, most of noobs don't do enough reading, and too much posting. Why they do it? Numerous reasons i suppose


RIU Bulldog
Because a 'newbie' could be someone that has grown for decades, or is an expert in whatever field the subject is about. For example, I've been doing HVAC for 35 years, but I've only been growing weed for 6 months. Does that make me any less of an expert in HVAC?
I know what you're saying though. Someone who was just a few months ago, clueless about growing weed now thinks they're an expert cause they had one successful harvest. THAT is fucking funny.


Well-Known Member
Just cause your new to a site, doesn't mean your new to growing. I do agree I have seen some whoppers for answers from newbies, but I would hope to think that anyone seeking advice, checks the source of the answer either by viewing others posts by the newbie helper, or waiting (or searching the forum, yeah right) for confirmation.
I agree post count does not always = experience.

All i am saying is if your still asking question dont give advice.

I was reading the newbie forum and one guy admitted this is his first grow, and then i see him in another thread giving advice about drying and curing bud. That is the shit im talking about


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's because there aren't that many active members with higher post counts to answer those questions.

Most of the members on here have less than 3 months time in.


Well-Known Member
I get what you're saying though. Like when someone that's referring to good weed as "dro" trying to give advise, the fucking idiots that don't even know the definitions and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I think you are caring too much. I'm with everyone else and agree with you. But really who cares, just correct the wrong newbie and get the right info out there. Don't just let some scrub tear up the forums by giving a lot of false info. Simply correct them, nicely, and everyone is happy. If they don't want to listen.... spark a blunt and laugh at the idiot.


having alot of post doesnt make you more knowledgeable, reading does...

and if you refer to good weed as dro its because you are a teen that acts like a child that needs to feel special, or to make it short you are a douchebag.


Active Member
im a newbie i have one grow under my belt, if i see a question that i have already got the answer to off an experienced grower il share that info with others. i thought thats what riu is for.


Well-Known Member
There are members who belong to multiple sites. Mb a noob here but a super stoner somewhere else. Over at icmag I only have like one post. But I also read books not just posts on stoner websites.