Why do clones get soggy in a cloning machine?


Well-Known Member
Why do clones get soggy in a cloning machine?

Cloning Machine: EZClone 30 site
Temp: 75 F
Humidity: 50%
Light: 2 bulb 24" T5 about 13" from tops of clones
Cloning solution: Powerclone + Superthrive
Airstones: 2 12" stones
Timer: 1 minute on and 4 minutes off
Clone stems were scraped 1/2" and split 1/4"
I know it's not necessary but the clones were also dipped in rootech
4" exhaust fan with carbon filter and a regular fan
PH: 5.8
Lights: 18/6
I have also been misting them
Clones cut at 45 degree angle and everything was cut under water


Well-Known Member
The soggy part is inside the cloner, on the bottom side of the neoprene plug, it just turns to mush.


Well-Known Member
I use the power cloner from botanicare, roots in like 5-10 days, the misters are always going in this set up....


Well-Known Member
ahh gotcha bugs = )
yah I dont ever mist my plants, that power cloner has a dome, I just leave that on the first 5 days, and it keeps most the humidity in.


just some guy
i think maybe you are overdoing it.

I just cut at a 45 degree angle and shove it in the neoprene.

I dont see the necessity to dip in clone solution, or the necessity for superthrive.

I use tap water at <200 PPM and small amounts of cloning solution.

try to keep it simple things seem to work better for me when I keep them simple.

