Why Can't My Sister Get High?

I've had some pretty dank bud before and my sister wanted to get stoned so she kept smoking bowl after bowl after bowl and it never hit her:/ I was watching her and I know she was holding it in her lungs so I don't understand why it wasn't effecting her. I took like 2 hits and I was really stoned but she didn't feel a thing:/ is this gonna keep happening every time she smokes bud? Thanks in advance:?:


Well-Known Member
Took me a few times when I first started...not sure why, but I remember in high school asking "Am I high?...I don't feel much"? Then on about the 6th time I smoked, a train ran over me and I said "Oh....uh huh. Yeah, now I'm fucked!"


Well-Known Member
i guess different people are affected in different ways. Smoke a kush blunt and see how she feels then lol


Well-Known Member
Her C receptors probably needed a jolt... I didn't get high the first time either after smoking a joint.... I felt something, but i wasn't high.... same bag, 2 days later, I was blitzed for the very first time, sitting in a couch that wouldn't let me up... I laughed so hard I nearly pee'd, then a thunderstorm came up and I was paranoid like a freak on a leash....

schedule another session with her, and encourage her to go slow this time...
Naa I'm pretty sure you'd rather have a 3 some with shmow52 and jonblaze420 lol. I'm sure they'll bend over and let you stick ur dick in their asses. What else you gotta say you little fucker?


Well-Known Member
Naa I'm pretty sure you'd rather have a 3 some with shmow52 and jonblaze420 lol. I'm sure they'll bend over and let you stick ur dick in their asses. What else you gotta say you little fucker?
whats your problem? ur account isnt going to last long here if you keep this up... whats a "real" bong. because apparently i dont have one.


Well-Known Member
Naa I'm pretty sure you'd rather have a 3 some with shmow52 and jonblaze420 lol. I'm sure they'll bend over and let you stick ur dick in their asses. What else you gotta say you little fucker?
wow bro you seem pretty knowledgeable on what your talking about. Pratice makes perfect scenario here huh??

Dude if you cant take a littler stupid joke on a freaking WEBSITE from somebody you will probably NEVER meet. Then i wonder how the hell you are in real life. How old are you sure as hell not 18 at least which you have to be to even have a account on this website. Smoke a doobie and blow off the dumb comments lol who cares.


Active Member
I've had some pretty dank bud before and my sister wanted to get stoned so she kept smoking bowl after bowl after bowl and it never hit her:/ I was watching her and I know she was holding it in her lungs so I don't understand why it wasn't effecting her. I took like 2 hits and I was really stoned but she didn't feel a thing:/ is this gonna keep happening every time she smokes bud? Thanks in advance:?:
took me about 5 times before i actually got high. keep trying, it will work eventually.
Actually I'm 19 and I respect my family so I don't appreciate mother fuckers like you talking about my family! I would stomp ur little bitch ass into a million pieces you dumb mother fucker!


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm 19 and I respect my family so I don't appreciate mother fuckers like you talking about my family! I would stomp ur little bitch ass into a million pieces you dumb mother fucker!
Wow enough said YOU got the mentality/maturity of a dam guppy. I also suggest you go see who was flaming who there smart one. And youd see i don't waste my time on dumb kids such as your self.
Don't you guys seriously have anything better to do than talk shit about peoples family? You don't know me or my family ok. My mom has allmost diet from cancer about 3 times so that's 1 example of things you don't know about me or my family you fucking retard!


Well-Known Member
Don't you guys seriously have anything better to do than talk shit about peoples family? You don't know me or my family ok. My mom has allmost diet from cancer about 3 times so that's 1 example of things you don't know about me or my family you fucking retard!
when did we mention your mom? when did we talk shit. i believe you talked shit. every family has problems and yours is no different. good for youuuuu (place over exaggerated thumbs up *here*) can you not take a joke or something?
If your family's a joke than that's you but my family isn't so don't talk shit about anybody in my family. And I'm not exaggerating you stupid ass, my mom has had brain cancer 3 times, a tumer arround her spine, and she has had it all arround her chest and if you don't believe, thats fine I don't have to prove anything to you!