Why Can't I Smoke Mary Anymore?


So, I smoke now and i get these crazy panic attacks. Its almost like i loose touch with reality, i feel like theres a little guy in my head controling my body. Ive been smoking for years and now when i smoke i loose control of my right hand and I cant see very well.. wtf is this everyone i see and hangs out with burns em all night. So now ive got a big dip in my mouth:sad:...this is the saddest thing ive ever encountered. Ive tried taking and adderal and then a clonazopam then smoking. I just feel so dam insecure now when i smoke... any one else have this delema?


Active Member
Me personally... no, but this is more common then you'd imagine in the the world of toking. My girlfriend smoked from the time she was 16 to 20... when she turned 20, she started experiencing 'panic attacks' her brother who had started when he was also 16, smoked till he was 35... started getting panic attacks. Ever since they told me, I have actually met about 3 people who were former, or retired tokers due to this mysterious problem that occurs amongst some. From what I understand, it's something that is almost so uncontrollable for whatever reason, that there is no 'fighting' it & trying, if it keeps happening, you have to hang up the gloves... & buds if your drying em out. Look up anxiety attacks or panic attacks when smoking weed on Google... you'll see your one fish in the sea of many.

I hope it never happens to me, I cannot imagine.