Why Cannabis Remains Illegal


Well-Known Member
Those in favor of legalizing never work together. Groups like NORML have still not figured out that those who work within the formal political system never get there way in governments. Groups like this turn into mostly social clubs where folks fantasize their representatives are paying attention to them.

The way to legalize in meaningful ways, rather than the outrageously regulated ways legalization has occurred so far, is to find ways to increase the cost to the government entities which have to pay for the prosecution.

Recently, Texas legalized the growing of hemp but not marijuana. Now Texas defense attorney's are making the prosecution prove it is not hemp as their defense. Cases are starting to get dismissed because the costs of prosecution are going up. There are lots of ways to run up the costs of prosecution.

The reason the stuff is still illegal is because pro legalize people do not work together while the other side works outside the system more than it does anything else.

People need to get out of NORML, stop visiting with each other and realize that their representatives are not their fairy god mothers. A better pro legalize group would be one which used funds from dues and donations to launch defenses of poster child type defendants in communities around states. Run up prosecution costs and they will quit. The values and necessities of things like jury nullification need to be advertised. Put local referendums on ballots requiring city councils and counties to prioritize the use of police resources. Use referendums to prioritize the enforcement of laws. Put enforcing cannabis laws at the bottom. Locals cannot change state laws but they can decide how to use their time and energy in enforcing them.

These kinds of things take constant heat. This is not middle school PTA politics. Politics is a smash mouth impose your will on others sport. The soft approach to legalizing cannabis is completely ineffective. What we are getting with legalization so far is such stringent regulations that it might as well have remained illegal.

Folks need to learn the difference between an academic activity and a fight. Working through government is always a fight.