Why Are my Leaves Turning This Color?


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Alright so I started Flower like 3 weeks ago and I've been noticing my leaves turning this Brownish,Spotted yellow color and I automatically assume this isn't good for my plant.Im growing indoors in a closet and I'm not sure if this may be a insect problem being that there may be some tiny spiders but I've checked the leaves for insects and I see none except I have this small sweet knat issue which I read they aren't harmful...Or maybe A lil nutrient build up?Can some of you more experienced growers help a rook?


Well-Known Member
Yep definitely looks like P deficiency,and just P deficiency.So im going with poor watering habits or low temps.

I make sure I dont feed my plants very cold water,nothing under 65f.You dont want a cold rootzone.

P uptake is hampered severly under 60f
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Well-Known Member
Yep definitely looks like P deficiency,and just P deficiency.So im going with poor watering habits or low temps.

I make sure I dont feed my plants very cold water,nothing under 65f.You dont want a cold rootzone.

P uptake is hampered severly under 60f
Yeah have to agree water does get a lil cold in the closet how can I keep my water temp above 65f


Well-Known Member
You agree that its probably locked? Why so?
Tell me your setup. Soil,lights what you've fed, what was previously fed, how you water,pH,temps ect.
Right now I have 4 2700k Cfls but starting tomorrow I'll have them plus a Led grow light above.Im growing in Fox Farm Ocean forest.I usually only water like once a week because I was told it's good to let the soil dry out before constantly watering to prevent root rot.Kinda messed my Ph meter up and couldn't figure out how to get it accurately calibrated.During this photo Tiger bloom was recently fed I feed 2tsp or table spoon/Gallon(Forgot which one on the bottle).Also I plucked these hleaves off,Should I continue doing that as it happens?


Well-Known Member
Right now I have 4 2700k Cfls but starting tomorrow I'll have them plus a Led grow light above.Im growing in Fox Farm Ocean forest.I usually only water like once a week because I was told it's good to let the soil dry out before constantly watering to prevent root rot.Kinda messed my Ph meter up and couldn't figure out how to get it accurately calibrated.During this photo Tiger bloom was recently fed I feed 2tsp or table spoon/Gallon(Forgot which one on the bottle).Also I plucked these hleaves off,Should I continue doing that as it happens?
i wouldnt be plucking leaves off right now as its going to put more stress on her than she needs man


Well-Known Member
The way that deficiency is showing in your plants Looks to me like your root system is pissed off for some reason. The cold could do it but the soil would have to be staying cold between watering pretty much the whole time. How often are you watering.

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Well-Known Member
The way that deficiency is showing in your plants Looks to me like your root system is pissed off for some reason. The cold could do it but the soil would have to be staying cold between watering pretty much the whole time. How often are you watering.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OP said once a week water


Well-Known Member
The way that deficiency is showing in your plants Looks to me like your root system is pissed off for some reason. The cold could do it but the soil would have to be staying cold between watering pretty much the whole time. How often are you watering.

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Only watering once a week because I thought watering too often probably would cost root rot


Well-Known Member
Original poster. And once a week should be fine. It's a really interesting way to show p deff. I'd say most definitely lock out. No idea why other than temps/nute solution maybe too high, but you'd usually see more signs of of other tox/lockout.

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Active Member
Hey all sorry for taking over your post man but I was just wondering when u should start budding this ? This is my first grow im at week 3 with this plant ( from clone ) 95 % sure it's Ak47 ,
I also have 4 other clones in a 1 m by 1m tent (they are white widow ) looking very sad at the moment tho Im wanting to bud them all at the same time and put them all in with my big plant which is in a 1.2 metre tent , so my question basically is how much roughly would I be looking at getting if I grew This to week 7 and the others to week 4 would I get much off them ? The reason I'm doing this is because u just got 8 new cuttings off my mate of white widow and pineapple ex ,



Well-Known Member
Original poster. And once a week should be fine. It's a really interesting way to show p deff. I'd say most definitely lock out. No idea why other than temps/nute solution maybe too high, but you'd usually see more signs of of other tox/lockout.

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I was hoping you didn't say that...What should info if that in fact is the case?


Well-Known Member
I was hoping you didn't say that...What should info if that in fact is the case?
You could try just water without Nutes for a watering or two and see if it gets better. If it doesn't show signs of recovery and doesn't give you any other tox signs you can try hitting them with a 1-2-1 ratio low and see if that fixes it. If neither of those works ime it's genetic. Sometimes strains just aren't stable. I was running testers a couple years ago that looked great all through veg and the first four weeks of flower, then they just pretty much damped off for no reason. Different strain in the same tray with the same Rez was totally fine. Hopefully that's not the case here, I've only seen it happen once in ~10 years so your odds are probably good.

Driplclean/clearex can work in some situations as well, but I would suggest them as a last resort if at all.

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