WHo uses 1 gallon pots? and whats the yeild?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what the yield is on a 1 gallon on average, i have CFL's, about 350 watts in a 3x2 box. I use something smaller atm, and am wondering if bigger pots would be better, the SOGish thing i have now.

ANyput would be appreciated on it, even nonCFL, especially if its around the same wattage in anything else, id just like to be able to get an idea... oh yea theres about 3 ft height in the box as well...

The pot ill be using is the 1 gallon square liguid ONA container, its about a foot tall, so thered be about 2 foot to the lights so im sure topping and some tie down/LST will be needed taking up more horizontal space. The bigger root zone should allow for bigger buds and colas tho. right??