Who Made Up Names?


Well-Known Member
What if horses we looking to have something ride them?

"Hey, see this human, it has 2.2 Person Power."
"Yeah, but will it feed me apples?"


Well-Known Member
How about the first guy to eat lobster?? Or oysters?? How hungry was he?? Those don't even look like food...


Well-Known Member
I started wondering where the word "Shit" came from. Well I found out,

Back in the day, when we used sailing ships to transport everything we used to transport manure in gunny sacks. At first they were stored down inside the ship untill too many ship mates went down there with a cole lantern and ignited the methane and blew up the ship.

So They hung the sacks outside and marked the sacks S.H.I.T. SHIP HIGH IN TRANSIT

actually that is not where the word shit comes fom.
I you read the wiki, Shit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you will find that the word came about in preliterate Germanic tribes during the roman empire.

all the acronymas you hear as the origin of the curse words are urban legends.

If you wiki them you will find that most are hundreds of years old.


Active Member
If i was god, id fuck with people, like swap the meaning for some words with other in everyone but some people you dont like.
itd be meean.

Btw, cavemen were the man, they must have wondered what monkeys first words were too. hmmm?

I reckon they were a bit smarter than we give them credit for, its just progress is process of elimination. And they were early contenders, but late in the cycle compared with other lifeforms.


Well-Known Member
If, by cavemen, you mean Cro-magnon man they are us ,homo sapiens sapiens, us!! No difference!~!


Active Member
I dunno, yesterday, after i posted that, i felt like i had a past life regresion thing.

at this place in town, a big park by a museum. had my fair share of 'tacos', and when i came out i was on a lane i think i remembered playing on, it was really happy, and a joyfull memory, but i had forgotten it untill now.. thats how it felt at least

but it never happened to me, and i cant name my friends that were there.

it was really nice, and its all i can think about.

you guys ever had that kind of stuff? happens to me nearly every time.
and i was talking about, homo sapien, us, but we have mentaly evolved since then, through process of elimination and so forth


Well-Known Member
past life shit is trippy, i have memories of things that never happened to me, like when i was a like 5 i was looking at a magazine that had pics of cali in it, i had never been there or heard anyhting about it, but i saw the pics and started pointing out things on them that my mom didnt even know, and when i was about 15 i got a flashback of someone dying next to me getting shot on a street somewhere, it was really crazy i thought it was a dream but i kept seeing it when i was awake then i thought i was crazy...until i started reading about other people who saw things from past life...trippy