Who Knows This!? Somebody has to.....

I'm running an Aero / Ebb style set up and i'm 5 weeks into flower on some Afgahn Kush. In the first few weeks of flower my buds had these gnarley white hairs sticking up from the top of each bud, a week or so later they were joined with Orange hairs and now it looks like all the white hairs are turning orange:o? is that normal? I just burnt my girls a little a week or so ago and I'm wondering if this had anything to do with it or its just mother nature? Ive seen finished bud with white hairs but someone tried to tell me they always change to orange before finsish...true? & on my nicest bud the hairs are gone, covered in white crystals but the hairs are gone. Also the buds that get the least amount of light still have alot of white hairs spiked out of the tips

Can anyone help a brother out with some knowledge, i'm kind of nervous

-Kush Kush


Active Member
white hairs turn ornge or amber color as the plant matures. about 75 to 80% of the white hairs will turn before harvest.
white hairs turn ornge or amber color as the plant matures. about 75 to 80% of the white hairs will turn before harvest.
Ok, I know Tricombs go from cloudy to clear to amber but I wasnt sure about he hairs....I'm going to try and upload pics now
I dont know if i'm doing something wrong or what but when I go to upload pics, it looks like its uploading it from my computer but then it just stays that way? How do you upload pics? I went to reply, attachment, browse, pic'd a pic, hit upload and then it just keeps looking like its uploading but nothing ends up happening, I let it go 20 minutes and nothing happend. Is there a trick to this I'm missing?
My Blackberry takes crapy pics but if you look at some of the ones I posted you can see that some have all white hairs, some have both and some have none....
Looks normal man, keep it up a couple more weeks
I know my camera sucks and doesnt really show it but some buds have no hairs anymore, is that normal in the growth process? You can see some have nice white hairs, some have white and orange, some have almost all orange now and 2 of my best have no hairs at all. Just made me a little nervous cause I burnt them a little and thought the buds might be suffering....Thanks for the feedback bro


Well-Known Member
**no sweat brah, pistil discoloration does not *usually* have any relevance to maturity :P ..so let those hairs turn, and keep packing on the weight by keeping your foliage green as fck ;)