who knows their shit?!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Okay.. you got a DOx, it's time to narrow which one down.

Duration Specifics:

How long until you felt effects?

How long until the peak?

How long was the comedown?

How long was the total duration?

Were there any after effects?

Trip Specifics:

What was the body load like (before, during, and after - up to next day)? *more in depth than your last answer. Some of the DOx's have a painful body load, some make you feel like shit, some do this some do that.. more specific*

Were there any "speedy" effects?

Did you have any visuals? (If so, please describe a little bit)


Well-Known Member
LSA is therefore like a deliriant... a crazed man... not knowing of his identity!

Its one good way to scared the shit out of the them or send them to the hospital! I wouldn't call that a beautiful experience. But ones man thrash is one mans art gallery ;)


Active Member
fuck that. lsa is nasty.
agreed. i have never had ANY visual on LSA, even after eating 45 hawaiian strain HBWR seeds. not psychedelic for me at all in fact i would RATHER do DXM than LSA. (and i cant stand DXM anymore, cant even look at triple c's without feeling nauseous)

the LSA to LSH conversion was only a marginally better experience even tho everyone says its 'just like LSD!"


Well-Known Member
sorry for the gap in explaining my trip and maybe i shouldnt of explained it drunk lol im not drunk now... let me reply more thoroughly now....


Well-Known Member
Okay.. you got a DOx, it's time to narrow which one down.

Duration Specifics:

How long until you felt effects?
this part is tricky cuz i ate 2 firecrackers before hand and was blown when i took the hit. but i would say about an hour give or take 15 minutes

How long until the peak?
i took it around 630 or 7. i would say i "peaked around 9

How long was the comedown?
again this is kinda tricky cuz i lost time perception. but i would say about 2 or 3 hours.

How long was the total duration?
i still felt alittle around 3 am when i fell asleep. i layed in my bed trying to sleep for about 2 hours. (1-3am). so about 6-8hrs...

Were there any after effects?
next day in the morning i felt out of it. like brain dead pretty much. but as the day went on it went away

Trip Specifics:

What was the body load like (before, during, and after - up to next day)? *more in depth than your last answer. Some of the DOx's have a painful body load, some make you feel like shit, some do this some do that.. more specific*
the body load wasnt really painful. it was just "heavy" i didnt really wanna move and i couldnt focus at all. when my teeth touched it felt like i was chewing on metal and my hearing was amplified. kinda like when i take vics. everything just seems louder, almost uncomfortable. i wasnt nauseous, and at the same time kinda like a dxm body feeling. i remember thinking that, comparing it to a dxm body. to wrap it up. dxm body load with vic hearing, and a feeling like i was chewing on metal. the next day i didnt feel a body load exactly. my brain was out of it so i was kinda oblivious to body sensations. just kinda floating around. ya know?

Were there any "speedy" effects?
no no speedy effects. i didnt wanna move. more like i couldnt. but my roommate took it too. and he said he felt euphoria. i did not. hes convinced it was acid. i think that thought helped him like it alittle more

Did you have any visuals? (If so, please describe a little bit)
no no visuals. at the absolute most maybe some SLIGHT melting. but hardly noticable. no patterns or waves or even color enhancment like with boomers.
lol and yeah i havent really had much opportunity to come around as much. i share a room with a couple of guys. litterally 1 room. and i want to keep this part of my life private. ;) so i only come on when theyre asleep or not around which is hardly ever cuz theyre lames haha


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Weird enough.. it kind of sounds like a low dosage of DOM (2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine)...

Metallic taste's can be attributed to DOM and DOB (I am sure there are more.. but these are the 'common' ones). If it was either (which due to a couple of other things you've said I wouldn't doubt), it was indeed a low dosage.

"when my teeth touched it felt like i was chewing on metal and my hearing was amplified."

To me this screams Amphetamine. Amphetamines are known to cause bruxism (teeth grinding). Some people also suffer from tinnitus after partaking in amphetamines (which I do believe is temporary). I could definitely see the "chewing on metal" deal here, and if your ears were temporarily "damaged" (if you will, maybe inflamed is a better word), I could also see the amplified hearing.

there are a couple other things I will point out (I simply do not have the time atm).


Well-Known Member
Weird enough.. it kind of sounds like a low dosage of DOM (2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine)...

Metallic taste's can be attributed to DOM and DOB (I am sure there are more.. but these are the 'common' ones). If it was either (which due to a couple of other things you've said I wouldn't doubt), it was indeed a low dosage.

"when my teeth touched it felt like i was chewing on metal and my hearing was amplified."

To me this screams Amphetamine. Amphetamines are known to cause bruxism (teeth grinding). Some people also suffer from tinnitus after partaking in amphetamines (which I do believe is temporary). I could definitely see the "chewing on metal" deal here, and if your ears were temporarily "damaged" (if you will, maybe inflamed is a better word), I could also see the amplified hearing.

there are a couple other things I will point out (I simply do not have the time atm).
Great observation!

It could of been a very low dose... and you intertwining those facts he brought out about the actual amphetamine characteristics... was just um "great detective work" ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens

Did you have any visuals? (If so, please describe a little bit)
no no visuals. at the absolute most maybe some SLIGHT melting. but hardly noticable. no patterns or waves or even color enhancment like with boomers.
Side effects of this drug include substantial perceptual changes such as blurred vision, multiple images, vibration of objects, visual hallucinations, distorted shapes, enhancement of details, slowed passage of time, and increased contrasts.
The low effects are associated with more "distortion" of things than full on hallucinations (OEV's, CEV's). Granted DOM is really rare (at least with my given sources), I would step out to say it is DOM or DOB.

If it had been liquid I would have said it may have been a 2C-x, but the likeliness of that being on a blotter is not that high.

Could go for Brevity's opinion on this one..


Well-Known Member
finally at least an idea now... phew thanks guys. the dom quote you have on their sounds pretty dead on. minus the open and closed eye visual part.

i can rest easy now ;)

plus rep for both of you for being so persistant!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
No problem dude.

My advice, be careful.. if you're going to dabble around with blotter or liquid, go out and spend yourself the $13 and buy an Ehrlich's Reagent kit.


Research chemicals do not have the same safety levels that LSD offers. You can eat LSD all damn day, you eat one or two too many blotters with a RC on it, and it may be the last thing you do. Unless you are 100% sure of what it on it, test it.