Who knows best? Dark energy into the system?!?


Active Member
Hello everyone here in the advanced cult. I have recently gotten ahold of this supplement and have seen some great reviews. Has anyone out there incorporated this into their flowering feed schedule? How often and how much would you recommend. I am currently using the Bcuzz base and heard this is a good addition. No problems just want to know if their is any experienced cultivators with good reviews. Is what I've heard true? Reduced harvest time and great nutrient up-take for stingy, difficult plants.

Thanks in advance,


Active Member
Hey there homebrewer,

I'll give it a try and post some reviews on the outcome. Whether there is an increase in yield, quality, and so on. Did you use it for cuttings? Veg? Flower? Or all of the above? I plan on using it lightly in flower just to assist in absorption of my nutes. I have been getting roughly 2 out of a 3 600 watt set-up. Hoping for the best. Thanks for the reply.



Well-Known Member
I used it from veg to harvest and it just didn't make a difference. I went though 2 bottles, used it on different strains and when I ran out I never bought more. A supplement that I do like and keep buying is liquid karma and/or floralicious plus. In my experience, they absolutely add a measurable difference in regards to yield and resin production. I should add that the extra resin hasn't translated to better smoke.


Active Member
Thank you for the added info. I will try the combo on the next batch. A great tasting bud and appeal is my personal goal. Its just a difficult task to choose from the increasing number of goodies for my babies:) Happy holidays!