Who Has The Best Avatar?


Well-Known Member
MIne is the 'stinky weed plant' (his real name in the show, no joke) from sesame street.

My daughter (who is 2) was watching it and I saw this plant and said, 'holy shit that thing is a bud' if you've never seen it watch an episode.

Yeah, sesame street is cannabis friendly apparently...


Well-Known Member
nice. i tried uploading some animations to my avatar last night but continued getting an error message from RIU.

if i get one of those uploaded you'll be blown away. :) thats right


Well-Known Member
green v yours is kick ass too I'm gonna start compiling them together. and put them all into a voting thread that would be the shit.


Well-Known Member
anyone who combines boobs and weed in thier avatar is golden...most people on this site have pretty cool ones tho