Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
closet cult don't you ever get tired of being so cynical of everything that happens in this world? I don't need proof to know God exists and that's completely ok to me that you don't believe in him. You probably also think that everything in the bible should be taken literally. Most of them are allegories denoting how people should try and live their lives. There isn't one person in this world that knows what every story in the bible truly means because they aren't meant to be understood fully. If you want to believe that when you close your eyes for the final time there is nothing but blackness and eternal dark then go ahead. I on the other hand, will look forward to an afterlife with a smile on my face until I die. And if there's nothing after I die, I won't be disappointed because I'll already be dead.


Well-Known Member
But I do believe in God. Most certainly 100 % but not in a religious sense because it is something that's man made and unfortunately as humans we don't have the capabilty to perceive something objectively since we have egos.

When we die or leave our physical bodies, we loose our ego and see the entire picture.

We all have choices and the world is the way it is because of these choices we have all made consciously or unconsciously.

God, devine power, higher intelligience is not man made.
This ever-present source of energy allows us 'free will.'
We all use our freewill and since most of us use it to our own advantage, thats why I believe the world is the way it is.

Just my 2 cents:mrgreen::peace:
well. when im ever in bad trouble:roll:.
i must admit, i ask god, for help. everytime. but he never helps
i think the same religion/cult what ever all use false gods, to help there cause, and weather its the catholics church, who own millions of propties and all the vatican city. and much much more. the church were a friend of my wifes, goes to a church. and the church takes 10/20 out of his wage, thats a christian, church. that would be just from him £400 a month or $800. and 1000S go. imagen how much these places make.


New Member
closet cult don't you ever get tired of being so cynical of everything that happens in this world? I don't need proof to know God exists and that's completely ok to me that you don't believe in him. You probably also think that everything in the bible should be taken literally. Most of them are allegories denoting how people should try and live their lives. There isn't one person in this world that knows what every story in the bible truly means because they aren't meant to be understood fully. If you want to believe that when you close your eyes for the final time there is nothing but blackness and eternal dark then go ahead. I on the other hand, will look forward to an afterlife with a smile on my face until I die. And if there's nothing after I die, I won't be disappointed because I'll already be dead.
i dont mind you believing what makes sense or brings you comfort. i have a problem with people pushing beliefs on others or writing national laws based on religious beliefs.

but i'm not cynical. no way. i am skeptical of false promises and exagerated claims of special knowledge when not one religious personal can provide a shred of evidence for what they believe. that's all.

just my 2 cents, you know.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you then. My girlfriend is Jewish and I'm Catholic and we have very separate religious views but we never push them on each other or other people. Religion is meant to be a personal commitment between you and your God of choice and I have never believed that campaigning is the correct approach.


Active Member
well iblazethatkush it just so happens that i am god
and there is no son of mine.
if charles manson could get people to believe he was the son of god then im damn sure someone thousands of years ago could have too.
religion is used to control us. thats it period over.
and revelation for the hundredth time the big bang theory is just a theory
scientific proof shows when you take something really small and blow it up it doesnt expand it explodes. matter doesnt grow it gets smaller.
the big bang theory goes against common sense.
believe it all you want but its still just a theory its not proven and probably never will be.
theres no explanation for how the small pencil point got there in the first place. truth is no one will ever know how the universe started nor does it matter.


New Member
And if there's nothing after I die, I won't be disappointed because I'll already be dead.
This shows the true depths to your belief in these gods. Just saying you believe does not mean you truly believe... no matter how loud you shout it.

You will always know the truth, deep down.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes just think wow I cant wait to die to see what hapens!!! but than I say but than I'll be dead, so I can wait :P
are these normal thoughts?
why do they only advertise for cheapets during christmass time?


Well-Known Member
Now, I'm not saying I believe in "GOD" in a Christian sense, or even in any organized sense of religion's diety/god. However you want to name it, it's still a "being", controlling some or all aspects of life. This to me seems absolutely absurd. I explain it by saying that people project what they see and understand onto what they don't see and don't understand, rather than start a blank slate and actually look for truth. Thereby, God becomes similar in form to a human, yet all-powerful in ability.

However, don't get me wrong. I'm no atheist, and I'm not knocking religion in any sense. I'm only saying that to me, they all explain the same power. This power, I've come to call, simply, "energy". I don't know what it is. I don't claim to. I just know that I can feel it, and others can as well. How you choose to embody it is up to you, but I haven't found a satisfactory explanation from any religion (that I know about) to date. Therefore, I picked my own path for ideas. To me, God is just that...a human-created embodiement for energy in order to be more easily comprehended. It's the same no matter what you call it.

That's also true with everything in the world/life. Consider languages. Different sounds, same ideas.

"People have a habit of taking a good idea and making a belief out of it"


Well-Known Member
I must say that I do believe in god, however I myself like many others dont fall under the "religious" crowd. I dont go to church, nor do I preach onto others. However I do believe god mad us, satan is real, and that there is a heaven and hell when you die.


Active Member
im sorry to say but you my friend are being controlled by thousand year old politics.
i guess its a good thing that you believe in consequences for your actions so we know they'll be atleast 1 less serial killer in the world


Well-Known Member
But I do believe in God. Most certainly 100 % but not in a religious sense because it is something that's man made and unfortunately as humans we don't have the capabilty to perceive something objectively since we have egos.

When we die or leave our physical bodies, we loose our ego and see the entire picture.

We all have choices and the world is the way it is because of these choices we have all made consciously or unconsciously.

God, devine power, higher intelligience is not man made.
This ever-present source of energy allows us 'free will.'
We all use our freewill and since most of us use it to our own advantage, thats why I believe the world is the way it is.

Just my 2 cents:mrgreen::peace:
I'd just like to start out by saying I have no intention of offending you Lacy. I think you're a very nice person. That being said, I think there is a few things I feel I should point out. First of all, I don't understand how anyone can assume we have some sort of soul, or something about us that will live on when we die. Think about before you were born, do you think you had a soul then? Were you partying it up in a heaven before being born? I'm assuming no. So then you're saying you believe everyone's soul is born with them? So there are constantly new souls popping out every day...? When you see people lose limbs. That's part of that person dying. When you see a plant die, that's another living being dying. Same for animals...etc. Do you think they all step out and see the big picture when they die too?

I mean is reality really so harsh for people to take in, that they have to convince themselves that they have a unique soul that will carry them into another life/dimension/heaven/hell/whatever?

Oh, and my biggest gripe yet. The fact that people think they have anything to do with how their lives went. What makes people believe free will exists? Every decision you've ever made from brushing your teeth to getting married has been a series of reactions from your genetics and the environment around you. We, as human beings, are nothing more than organic robots that are constantly reacting to our environment, based on our genetics. When you have 'choices' in your head, they are merely chemicals giving you these choices, and chemicals making the choices. We feel like we make decisions, and are controlling everything, but we're really just reacting and feeling.



Active Member
livehigh most of what you say is true but free will is real my brotha. i choose to smoke weed. my brain isnt programming me to do it.

Gangsta Crizzab

Active Member
anyone who got mad style fo me and my herb can slide step to my heart anyday. But hey hey hey, Gangsta Crizzab is down with everyones beliefs. Myself am Agnostic with a little salty twist. Buddha is tight, God is tight, Abraham is tight, Scorp The Bork is tight, Jimmie Walker is tight, everyones tight.

- Peace with style, Gangsta Crizzab


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY what i have said before.... The problem isnt with GOD or Religion, its with man and free will, the reason the Bible is such a contriversal book is because people interpret it ABSOLUTE anyway they please, some for gain, others for power, that why people shouldnt put preachers on a pedistal, they are human just like us. So as i said before I believe in God always and forever my faith is never changing, and i can say that after He took my father, but i trust in Him, and know all things work for the good, i know i will see him again one day........

God Bless....

I'd just like to start out by saying I have no intention of offending you Lacy. I think you're a very nice person. That being said, I think there is a few things I feel I should point out. First of all, I don't understand how anyone can assume we have some sort of soul, or something about us that will live on when we die. Think about before you were born, do you think you had a soul then? Were you partying it up in a heaven before being born? I'm assuming no. So then you're saying you believe everyone's soul is born with them? So there are constantly new souls popping out every day...? When you see people lose limbs. That's part of that person dying. When you see a plant die, that's another living being dying. Same for animals...etc. Do you think they all step out and see the big picture when they die too?

I mean is reality really so harsh for people to take in, that they have to convince themselves that they have a unique soul that will carry them into another life/dimension/heaven/hell/whatever?

Oh, and my biggest gripe yet. The fact that people think they have anything to do with how their lives went. What makes people believe free will exists? Every decision you've ever made from brushing your teeth to getting married has been a series of reactions from your genetics and the environment around you. We, as human beings, are nothing more than organic robots that are constantly reacting to our environment, based on our genetics. When you have 'choices' in your head, they are merely chemicals giving you these choices, and chemicals making the choices. We feel like we make decisions, and are controlling everything, but we're really just reacting and feeling.



New Member
VERY well said Puff! :mrgreen::peace:

EXACTLY what i have said before.... The problem isnt with GOD or Religion, its with man and free will, the reason the Bible is such a contriversal book is because people interpret it ABSOLUTE anyway they please, some for gain, others for power, that why people shouldnt put preachers on a pedistal, they are human just like us. So as i said before I believe in God always and forever my faith is never changing, and i can say that after He took my father, but i trust in Him, and know all things work for the good, i know i will see him again one day........

God Bless....


New Member
I appreciate and respect your stance hightimes. We all have our own unigue perspective from our own personal experiences.

Nothing more than organic robots????

If I tried to explain my viewpoint in response to your questions, I am not sure how to sum it up simply.

But what is WATER?
I'd just like to start out by saying I have no intention of offending you Lacy. I think you're a very nice person. That being said, I think there is a few things I feel I should point out. First of all, I don't understand how anyone can assume we have some sort of soul, or something about us that will live on when we die. Think about before you were born, do you think you had a soul then? Were you partying it up in a heaven before being born? I'm assuming no. So then you're saying you believe everyone's soul is born with them? So there are constantly new souls popping out every day...? When you see people lose limbs. That's part of that person dying. When you see a plant die, that's another living being dying. Same for animals...etc. Do you think they all step out and see the big picture when they die too?

I mean is reality really so harsh for people to take in, that they have to convince themselves that they have a unique soul that will carry them into another life/dimension/heaven/hell/whatever?

Oh, and my biggest gripe yet. The fact that people think they have anything to do with how their lives went. What makes people believe free will exists? Every decision you've ever made from brushing your teeth to getting married has been a series of reactions from your genetics and the environment around you. We, as human beings, are nothing more than organic robots that are constantly reacting to our environment, based on our genetics. When you have 'choices' in your head, they are merely chemicals giving you these choices, and chemicals making the choices. We feel like we make decisions, and are controlling everything, but we're really just reacting and feeling.



New Member
God was revealed to me and it was more truthful than any truth I've ever known. What about all the people who have literally died and come back to life? Is that ALL just an illusion?
I don't consider God a him or her:-| or some dude in a white robe in the sky. I also don't believe in the easter bunny or santa claus.:-?

When you think about water, it appears to be liquid and yet it isn't. Its two gases mixed together. So why does it appear as a liquid to us as humans?

We are all made up of atoms and molecules that are connected together. Even rocks have energy but appear solid to us. We cannot distinguish the difference because we have an ego. Our brain and our mind are two completely different things. Are brain is a human organ. Our mind is far, far more than that and is what is connected to every single molecule. God is pure energy and is like the glue that holds us all together.

Because we perceive through our brain AND our mind we see objectives and ourselves as separate.

Throughout most of history even the subject of science and God have been assumed to be polar opposites and separate subjects. Not any more.

I am not even against religion. If religion works to make a person a better person, then so be it but going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than walking into a garage makes you a mechanic.
THAT type of mentality really urks me. :?:confused:

i use these and the many, many, many inherent contradictions of the 'god hypothesis' to reason him out of the equation of daily life.

religious leaders tell us: 'our minds are too small to understand god."

the truth is: their stories don't make sense, because there is absolutely no proof of theirs, or anyone else's god.

so to every and any one: quit trying to tell me you know who god is when he never spoken or revealed himself to you or anyone you know. and if you wish to call an old book evidence, you'll have to first find a way to prove one old books superiority over another.

i am agnostic. because their is NO proof of any invisible god, sprits, angels or demons. None, Zero, Zip. But I leave room for the unknown. athiesm takes too much faith in our reasoning abilities and/or imagination. with god, there is no proof of his existance or non-existance.


Well-Known Member
God was revealed to me and it was more truthful than any truth I've ever known. What about all the people who have literally died and come back to life? Is that ALL just an illusion?
I don't consider God a him or her:-| or some dude in a white robe in the sky. I also don't believe in the easter bunny or santa claus.:-?

When you think about water, it appears to be liquid and yet it isn't. Its two gases mixed together. So why does it appear as a liquid to us as humans?

We are all made up of atoms and molecules that are connected together. Even rocks have energy but appear solid to us. We cannot distinguish the difference because we have an ego. Our brain and our mind are two completely different things. Are brain is a human organ. Our mind is far, far more than that and is what is connected to every single molecule. God is pure energy and is like the glue that holds us all together.

Because we perceive through our brain AND our mind we see objectives and ourselves as separate.

Throughout most of history even the subject of science and God have been assumed to be polar opposites and separate subjects. Not any more.

I am not even against religion. If religion works to make a person a better person, then so be it but going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than walking into a garage makes you a mechanic.
THAT type of mentality really urks me. :?:confused:

Good post. I agree with everything except God's existence. I think you'e making something out of nothing...and here's what I mean. When you say the 'glue' that holds it all together, you're making it seem like its all connected...and that all of it together is what makes 'us'. But there is no 'us'. People think by the combination of sight, feeling, hearing, tasting...etc that we have created some existence of YOU...but there is none. It all goes down to how it all works; your eyes, when open, are reading waves and sending your brain images. That are correct, obviously, unless you need glasses...that's why it makes sense when you think you see a tree and you walk up and touch it, and its there.

All I'm getting at is there is no little guy sitting in everyones head controlling it all. Your body is just doing exactly what it's supposed to and you're making it seem like a bigger deal than it is.

P.S. If you do believe in that God you explained, as you say you do. Why do you believe there is cancer, or any of the other horrid things in the world? Do you believe you're more special than a rat, in the sense that you have a soul and will see an afterlife, and the rat will not? Or do you believe you and the rat would both see an afterlife. And where would you explain where that God from? OH wait...I know...God is such a powerful entity that it created itself and then created time. Or are you going to go with the, "It's so fucking special, that you nor I could ever comprehend it." Because that's always a good one, no comeback for that one.
