White Widow - Side Shoots


Well-Known Member
Recently topped my white widow plant which resulted in it throwing out loads of side shoots at each node. I want to keep the number of bud tops fairly low but topped it hoping to keep the height down a little. I've been nipping out the side shoots that i don't want and just letting the branches grow vertically. Do you think this will cause me any problems and do you think it stresses the plant? Thanks in advance for your help.


Well-Known Member
Well i was hoping that it's the same as when you grow tomatoes. You pinch out all the side shoots so that growth is concentrated to the main stem. The plant is already bushy enough with about 8 side branches, I don't want more branches come of the individual side branches as it will soon become a jungle. I just wanted to kno if anyone has done this before and what effect does it have?


Well-Known Member
I think you've all missed the point slightly. Its not about training the plant, but simply removing side branches forming at each node in an attempt to keep the number of bud sites down. I just wanted to know if this causes the plant stress or not. Thx anyways


Well-Known Member
Yes, it stresse the plant to be cut on. Why do you want to keep the number of bud sites down? If you have a bunch of verticle shoots that are of even height you'll have that many "colas". No reason to worry about where else buds form, unless you are trying to lolipop it in some wierd way?


Well-Known Member
Yeh i know what you mean, i would have probably ended up with a load of fairly even height branches. However the reason i want to keep the numbers down is so the plant can concentrate on say 6-8 rather than 20 little popcorn buds. When i have grown more sativa based strains in the past i cant remember them shooting out anywhere near the number if side shoots from each node. This widow is a crazy plant, naturally wants to be soooo bushy!! I pretty much there with it now, quite happy with the number of tops. Gonna switch onto 12/12 in the next couple of days and from then on let it do its own thing.

grow space

Well-Known Member
if you cut the plant it will be stressed.always make sure that you would not cut over 50% of the branches and leaves because then the plant might die