White Poison - 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
Xare, thanks for letting me lurk around your thread through out your grow.
im glad to see it went so well for you.
i also went and got a drip system myself... like you, im happier than a kid with a new ps3... checking them instead iof watering them, everyday, is well worth it.

did you know that lowe's carries micro irrigation systems these days? i about fell over when i saw it in the plumbing dept. 100$ later (50 pump, 50 in tubing and heads and parts) i used an old cycle timer i had lying around and badda bing! im a once a week kinda guy lol.

im going to try soil/hempy hybrids now. i had an lsd that produced 18g that grew in aprox 14-16 oz's of medium. i put a 6" pot with super soil in it on top of a hempy dixie cup and filled the void with a 50/50 mix of perlite vermiculite. i was expecting to fail, and instead it outgrew all of my other plants so.....
Hehe, ya the drip irrigation is like plumber lego's its very easy to adapt and change. I spend alot less time in the grow area now. I just go in to peak at the plants and make sure nothing is going south, like plants leaning over or signs of deficiency or bugs. Check the water level of the rez and just admire the plants.


Well-Known Member
Gonna trim tomorrow, so ive taken the plants out of the flower area to give them some darkness.

And install upgrades, Mylar plus a Parabolic Umbrella Reflector.

Here is a shot of my Drip Irrigation and the upgrades.

And this is a clone of White Poison a day before Harvest:

The room is rocking again with 24 two liter hempys and a test one gallon hempy.


Well-Known Member
Yea I pulled um out of the flower area a bit early because I was ready to do the work.

They are sitting on a table in the dark now and I guess I should give them a few extra days just chilling there.

Ive got the flower area surrounded by reflective walls on all 4 sides now. Duck tape, Velcro and a Staple gun :)

Its made it noticeably brighter in there. The light is spread alot more evenly now and the reflector throws a nice square light footprint.


Well-Known Member
Ohh yea I had one plant leaning over and its lower buds were getting full light exposure and they grew to be quite big. It shows promise for the defoliation iam gonna try next.

Also the head buds are bigger this round, because the plants are about 8 to 10 inches shorter then the first run the weight went where it could. Overall its looking the same yield wise.


Well-Known Member
Mmm the WP looks great.

when you say defoliation-- what exactly do you plan on removing? I was thinking about trying this out but didnt want to start taking the needed foliage


Well-Known Member
The idea is to remove fan leaves that block light to the budsites after flowering "stretch" and again around day 40 of flower.

Only fans that have a stem and are blocking buds are removed. The little leaves on the budsites then take over for the rest of flowering.

For a SOG you can Defoliate instead of Lollypop. The lower branching that you normally remove have budsites that will add to the yield when they get proper lighting.

If your growing larger plants then SOG clones you should start the defoliation in veg to promote branching.

Lollys are great for hand trimming but now that ive got power trimming capability I want to fill in weight on some branches.


Well-Known Member
its like reverse lollipopping whereyou cut away the top fans but leave all the bottom branches to grow
The idea is to remove fan leaves that block light to the budsites after flowering "stretch" and again around day 40 of flower.

Only fans that have a stem and are blocking buds are removed. The little leaves on the budsites then take over for the rest of flowering.

For a SOG you can Defoliate instead of Lollypop. The lower branching that you normally remove have budsites that will add to the yield when they get proper lighting.

If your growing larger plants then SOG clones you should start the defoliation in veg to promote branching.

Lollys are great for hand trimming but now that ive got power trimming capability I want to fill in weight on some branches.
thanks to both you guys. Uncle Ben had me going on the idea that the more foliage the bigger the bud but I had some issues with that lately and now agree that lower sites that get more light due to defoliation will bulk up much more than if the big fans blocking the light are left on :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey man could you let me know about how big your clones ended up in the end on average?? and before you put them in flower?? sorry im just trying to get a good idea of how big the stretch will be...


Well-Known Member
Hey man could you let me know about how big your clones ended up in the end on average?? and before you put them in flower?? sorry im just trying to get a good idea of how big the stretch will be...
I put the clones in flower when they were 7 inches tall. They are now about 21 inches tall.

That means they tripled in height since they were put into flower.

Sativa's can triple, indicas will more then double. It depends on your genetics.


Well-Known Member
I put the clones in flower when they were 7 inches tall. They are now about 21 inches tall.

That means they tripled in height since they were put into flower.

Sativa's can triple, indicas will more then double. It depends on your genetics.
Hey man thank you for your information. very helpful. Have you ever run an Indica/sativa strain?


Well-Known Member
Hybrids can stretch anywhere in between double to triple in size.

Ive ran some seeds before this that were indica dominant. They were shorter plants that yielded about the same.


Well-Known Member
xare- have you ever thought about adding CO2 into your set up? i just did some defoliation last night on my girls after looking into some threads on icmag and listening to you talk about it. my set up isnt any where near being settled in right so i liked the idea and results some people were getting like jrosek and decided to give this a try to see if it works. ill report back to you in a couple weeks on how it worked for my girls if you care to see. i had already trimmed lower branching which would have benefitted but it will still be nice to see how it helps the big branches fill in. hope your current run is doing GREAT!


Well-Known Member
My grow room is not sealed, if I added extra CO2 it would be evacuated in moments by my air exchange.

I bring in alot of fresh air so the ambient CO2 levels that are naturally in the environment is the only CO2 I use.

I could take my fan setup out of the window and install an Air Conditioner for control of the temps but then I would need to add a propane burner to keep the CO2 PPM's up.

As I have it setup now my fan brings in fresh air and keep the temps in an acceptable range with low operational costs.


Well-Known Member
My grow room is not sealed, if I added extra CO2 it would be evacuated in moments by my air exchange.

I bring in alot of fresh air so the ambient CO2 levels that are naturally in the environment is the only CO2 I use.

I could take my fan setup out of the window and install an Air Conditioner for control of the temps but then I would need to add a propane burner to keep the CO2 PPM's up.

As I have it setup now my fan brings in fresh air and keep the temps in an acceptable range with low operational costs.
well all that is definetely a good reason not to be using it at the moment. i dont have any personal use with it but it just seems that it may a bigger step in your set up to get a higher G.P.W. ratio, which i assume your trying to do. great job on your grows and cant wait to see another one sometime!


Well-Known Member
what do you think of this idea for a Hempy Bucket?

2 liter coke bottle... filled with Hydroton ... with a wick in the middle reaching from the bottom of the reservoir to the top of the roots.

should prevent the drying of hydroton too fast and supply enough water/oxygen for the roots to continue growing without watering too much. i'm thinking to water once a day in the beginning and once every other day when the roots touch the reservoir.


Well-Known Member
Vermiculite is my Wick.

Ive tried a hempy with 100% perlite before but the root zone was smaller compared to one with a mixture of 75 % perlite to 25 % verm.

The roots wanted to grow closer to the reservoir instead of spreading out all through the media. Also the top of the pot would dry out alot faster between waterings.

In Hydroton clay pebbles this effect would be much more pronounced. So, maybe you could mix it with 25 % of rockwool flock.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply, Xare.

i've been inspired by your thread. furthermore, i've looked up that JROSEK technique of trimming all the fan leaves and i love what i'm seeing.

i'll be looking for more of your journals.