white leaves any clue?????


Well-Known Member
ok so i put out 7 clones from my inside grow, there all doing fine but a couple of them are starting to turn white on the fan leaves. when i transported them to the woods i soaked paper towels and wrapped the roots in so they would stay wet. when put in the red dirt i kept the white paper towel around the root ball so it would collect moisture when there is no rain.. my question is could the pigment of the paper towel be leaching into my plant and turning the leaves white??? other then that they are fine.. i will try and post a few pics later,it's a pain in the ass to get to them.. lol thanks for any help and as always ...KEEP ON GROWIN.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Sunburn, just like people. Best to put them in an area that gets shaded for several hours during the day or to move them in the shade for several days when you first put them outside.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend using 1/4 teaspoon of Dyna-Gro Protekt (per gallon) as a foliar spray when they recover and to acclimate your plants to the sunlight if you did not do so this time. Many people think cannabis needs an insane amount of direct sunlight, but I've found they do better with filtered sunlight as Fungus Gnat suggested; especially if your area gets very hot. Another thought, if you are unable to set them outside to acclimate them. Assuming you have some indoor lighting or can put them in a window, I'd use some Liquid Light by DM to help them acclimate, then stop using the Liquid Light for a week or two while the plants get accustomed to the sunlight.


This is why it's good to harden-off plants before putting them outside permanently.

Are the leaves dusty white or is the flesh turning white?

when put in the red dirt i kept the white paper towel around the root ball so it would collect moisture when there is no rain.. my question is could the pigment of the paper towel be leaching into my plant and turning the leaves white???
No. Paper towels are white because they've been bleached, which removes all pigmentation.


Well-Known Member
Google cannabis sulphur defficiency , just in case , because I had this and it sent the leaves completely white , and came out of no where , was an easy fix though