which should i use?


Well-Known Member
just smoked my last just now and im not high enough. lol i got alot of kief, but no screen so should i just use a little piece of a paper or should i scrape the bowl of the resin and make a little ball and use that?

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i have a lil bowl about the size of a one-hit that i love smokin kief out of........if i have ALOT ill do like u said and put a lil resi in it roll it in a ball and smoke it....but id rather straight kief, tastes amazing in comparison and will usually knock u on ur ass lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i would just use a bit or rolling paper and stick that in the hole. no screen at all? the screen filter in your kitchen faucet will work wonders, but i would just use a bit of paper, and when it's ashes just smoke the paper.


Well-Known Member
hahahah, i got introuble so many times from stealing those filters from the faucet....every house we lived in had not one screen left in the faucets after about a month of living their......ahhh, good times