Which is better? And is it worth the price difference?


First time prospective grower, looking to get a relatively complete hydroponic system, and I've been looking at these two:

Rainforest 66 Modular Complete (http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=269) w/ Multi Spectrum 315 Watt CFL Light Bank , and some other accessories (Ph meter, nutrient meter, nutrients, etc)(http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=120&xSec=3)


Dual Spectrum Bubbleponics™ Complete Kit (http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=2&xSec=2) w/ Dual Spectrum II light upgrade (2x 85 flourescent bulbs)

First one is gonna run me say $600, second would be $300. Will the first be that much of a difference, worth the double the price tag? And if so, what else do I need to flush out that package? (not counting the seeds of course)



Well-Known Member
First time grower?

why dont you just try soil and pots, learn how to grow, make mistakes (which you WILL do), read up on the forum, 1nce ur certain you know how to grow then go throwing out money on a hydro system. hydro can have more problems then soil and you might just regret getting it.


Thanks for the feedback, and soil is currently being tried now, but as to my actual question.... :)

Care to comment on the comparison between the two systems?



Well, thanks again for the feedback, except that it has little to nothing to do with the question I asked.

I guess last time here on this board....can anyone compare the two systems and let me know what they think? And if all you want to say is grow in soil, thanks, but I am not really interested in that opinion, just had a simple question.


you could build that rubbermaid one in less than an hour and only spend 50-100 bucks if that. I would go that route. Google DWC diy, there are many options and directions on how to build them!


damn,he asked for a comparaison not for advice on doing it with one of those 2 systems or not or can he do it himself it's two other debates,so could somebody give him an answer i'm really interested too


Well-Known Member
the trouble with both of those systems is that once filled with plants you wouldnt have much room unless you keep them small.

dual spec bubble would be my choice.

but then if it were my choice i would go for a 6plant drip or ebb and flow rather than restrict space.



Thanks for the feedback folks. We are looking at a six plant set up in five gallon pots, which may turn into a six plant bucket/hydro system at a later date. Since we already had soil going, we are going to work with that for a bit and see where it takes us.