Which drugs do you really regret taking?


Well-Known Member
strange, the coke,smack,crack,phet,xtc,lsd and the beloved herb were all grand, apart from the odd rough comedown


Well-Known Member
Hm.. Ketamine or Coke for me.

Ketamine just.. effected me way different than i thought when i was on it and thought i was going to die =(

Coke.. because of how addicted i got. I've been smoking cigs on and off for 2 years. i can go a long time with out one and have no want for it, so i'd say i didn't really have an addictive personality.. but coke got a hold of me and never wanted to let me go.


Well-Known Member
as much as i loved the experience i would have to say ecstacy, I abused X very young and regretably i think it led to my mood disorders today as an adult. I was getting pure adam, powdered mdma. We would pack it into clear capsules and put it up the pooper,may sound awful to you guys but if you really did X then you have done it this way. It was amazing and the highs where the bomb of euphoria but it did me no good in the end. Thats life everything amazing will cost you one way or another;-)
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Active Member
i havent really done that much, my girlfried tried salvia one time and didnt know it was salvia, bout killed her, but that was a long time ago.

this is kinda out there thought, but i figure if a drug can just grow, like, it grows out of the ground, it should be legal, and besides, its the man made shit that really fucks people up, like ... badly, death and shit, like really, how many ppl have ever overdosed on weed? like idk, if its a naturally occuring drug its just fine and should be legal, but manmade shit designed to fuck up you and your body, meth mostly, that shit should be illegal, .. i havent tried lsd or xtc yet though, so my thoughts might change, but anyway, who agrees?


Well-Known Member
Meth ive done it all but the crystal can suck you up so fast i was lucky enough to get away with all my teeth and a reality that if you can see what you turn into on meth,youll stop forever.If ya get a glimpse before youre all gone.But i will say its the best diet plan in the world!!!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
getting wasted on cough syrup is something ill never do again, but i dont regret it, it was nuts but i cant stomach the taste anymore, didnt know how i ever could


Well-Known Member
lol taking about 1 gram of diphenhydramine (benadryl) pills, really fucked up and scary, I dont really regret it but i wont do it again...

I Kinda regret getting addicted to opium, but its all good as long as I smoke it here and there haha


Well-Known Member
I never done any hardcore drugs like Coke or Meth, This will be my first time smoking weed when I grow my plants and I can not wait, All I have smoked is Salvia but I did not trip much all I saw was very green grass in my backyard and cigars and cigarettes.