Where is the Potassium in SS?

I have been using Subs mix for almost 2 years now with great results, a couple of people have asked me where the K is in the mix and I honestly don't know!


Well-Known Member
i dont recall everything in SS , but i know the kelp meal has your K. and then castings an compost will contain some K too. like i said i dont recall everything sub uses in his SS, but if your girls been healthy then you know its in there.



Well-Known Member
i dont recall everything in SS , but i know the kelp meal has your K. and then castings an compost will contain some K too. like i said i dont recall everything sub uses in his SS, but if your girls been healthy then you know its in there.

there is no kelp meal in subcool's recipe

T Ray

Well-Known Member
there is no kelp meal in subcool's recipe
Really? b/c this is right from Sub's supersoil thread that he wrote himself
To get a really good idea of what I consider to be a balanced soil, take a look at the ingredients of a product called Roots Organic:

Lignite*, coca fiber, perlite, pumice, compost, peat moss, bone meal, bat guano, kelp meal, Green sand, soy bean meal, leonardite, k-mag, glacial rock dust, alfalfa meal, oyster shell flour, earth worm castings and Mycorrhizae.
I would say that there clearly is kelp meal in Subcool's recipe.

Here's the link too.



Well-Known Member
sub changes his recipe a lot over the years. he was just a person with a bag of dirt , just like us. now he is a legend for his dirt and advice.

i have seen his shit with no kelp an i have seen his newer ones include kelp. either way just like sub himself said there has to be enough K in there to produce what hes producin.
plus he is like most other organic growers , if he sees a def or a prob , im sure he has instant food layin around to fix things quick.

i use a lil kelp in my mix an then i got some 22 from humboldt. (0-0-22) i dont use it very often , but i have it. i have never noticed a difference in using vs not but i never paid that much attention to care.

i have noticed that a plant will stay very healthy off "just enough". so if you take some used dirt with no food in it, and add a tbs or two of a balanced mix. (blood, bone, an kelp) the plant will be healthy all the way to the end. you take 2 tbs an mix it in and the healthy plants are now fat an healthy. you take 3 tbs an now your plants are starting to curl an die. thats just an example. i never had a mistake until i tried to pump them with more then they could take.

soil takes years sometimes to get it to go along with your species. there is no one single mix out there that is best for your species, you are the only one who can produce that. (unless of course the genetics an environment are the exact same)



T Ray

Well-Known Member
WB, I understand what your saying, but if your using Root's organic you are using kelp meal. His recipe does change over time but Sub's recipe has included Roots organic for a while now. And I was simply stating to Stak that in Sub's latest recipe even with Root's bug/hot problems he is still using it and Kelp Meal is clearly in the current supersoil recipe.


Well-Known Member
I dont make many changes I make very small ones.
Roots Has Kelp Meal and if I dont use Roots I add in Kelp Meal to the mix!



Well-Known Member
Really? b/c this is right from Sub's supersoil thread that he wrote himself

I would say that there clearly is kelp meal in Subcool's recipe.

Here's the link too.


damn man if you're gonna link something as your proof you should probably read it first.

8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil with coco and Mycorrhizae
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. powdered Humic acid
*** If using an RO system add in 1/2 cup powdered Cal/mag

^^that's the list of ingredients in the link you just provided so.....where's the kelp meal?

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Really? I have to explain this again. Did you read the first 5 paragraph's of the link? It's right in there. Here I will quote it again

2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe
Super Soil

To me, there is nothing like the taste of properly grown organic cannabis. The subtle flavors and aromas created when using Mother Earth are pleasantly overwhelming to the senses when everything is done properly. As with many vegetables, a rich organic soil can bring out the best in a plant. Throughout the past 20 years, I have tried almost every possible way to cultivate our favorite plant and while hydroponic is certainly faster and more productive, I have developed a soil that performs extremely well with very little guess work. I don’t worry about PH or PPM (parts per million), I simply have spent a few years developing a n effective recipe. Using seven gallon nursery pots, I can grow plants from start to finish using only water. Other than a bit of sweat equity every 90 days or so, this takes a huge amount of science out of the garden and puts nature back in charge. This recipe is slightly different from the one I had used previously— the one so many consider to be gospel— and that has been passed around for years from grower to grower. I consider this version to be new and improved and reflects the exact formula I am using at the time this book was actually printed.

I always start with at least 6-8 large bags of high quality organic soil. The selection of your base soil is very important, so don’t cut corners here. I cannot possibly discuss all the different products but I will mention a few notable favorites. A good organic soil should cost between $8-10 per 30 lb. bag. To get a really good idea of what I consider to be a balanced soil, take a look at the ingredients of a product called Roots Organic:

Lignite*, coca fiber, perlite, pumice, compost, peat moss, bone meal, bat guano, kelp meal, Green sand, soy bean meal, leonardite, k-mag, glacial rock dust, alfalfa meal, oyster shell flour, earth worm castings and Mycorrhizae.

I even blew it up, underlined it, and made it big for you so you couldn't miss it. So again if your following what Sub does (using Roots Organic)you are using KELP MEAL.


Well-Known Member
potassium cometh from manures........castings are manure. the compost has it also. that's why it goes...N-P-K. its the least prevalent in normal soil.


Well-Known Member
Really? I have to explain this again. Did you read the first 5 paragraph's of the link? It's right in there. Here I will quote it again

I even blew it up, underlined it, and made it big for you so you couldn't miss it. So again if your following what Sub does you are using KELP MEAL.

it doesn't have any. deal with it.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Ok, I must of just pulled that out of thin air. I don't understand what their is to argue about. I clearly showed where the kelp was coming from in the mix. You just don't want to believe it.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't have any. deal with it.
quit arguin for no reason , thats fucked up.

Apparently this posting from the source was missed in all the jibber jabber.

to busy arguin to read ANY of the post! i done said he changes his mix over the years and then he said it again HERE.

lets help each other dammit , thats enough of this kid shit.



Active Member
quit arguin for no reason , thats fucked up.

to busy arguin to read ANY of the post! i done said he changes his mix over the years and then he said it again HERE.

lets help each other dammit , thats enough of this kid shit.


see this guy gets the vibe.
