where do you keep your bongs


Well-Known Member
hey guys and gals

was just wondering for thoes of you that like your bongs to be out of eye site ..

where do you put your bongs . what are some good hiding spaces ?


Well-Known Member
I was smokin with mystikclown, and I swear he pulled his plastic bottle bong out of his ass.

It was fuckin wierd. He pulled his pants down and started grunting like one of those dragonball z charactors when they are about to transform into some totally different fucking monster. I swear, it took about 10 fuckin minutes just like in the show but sure enough there was a bowl already packed and he lit up.

I passed on it though.


Well-Known Member
I was smokin with mystikclown, and I swear he pulled his plastic bottle bong out of his ass.

It was fuckin wierd. He pulled his pants down and started grunting like one of those dragonball z charactors when they are about to transform into some totally different fucking monster. I swear, it took about 10 fuckin minutes just like in the show but sure enough there was a bowl already packed and he lit up.

I passed on it though.
Did you feel like your life was in danger while in the presence of such an intimidating force. I shit bricks when I see any Back To The Future shoe wearing wannabe krump dancers.


Well-Known Member
And to answer the question, I used to keep it under my sink in the bathroom which I thought was a pretty inconspicuous place until one of the few people that knew it was there decided to steal it while I was at the gym. I got it back but I had to find a new place to keep it and I guess you can say now I got a 2foot tall glass bong hidden in plain site but no one has noticed it.