where do i start


i am using cfl's but i need to know what to us for veg and how long............and for flowering what to use and how long to flower


Well-Known Member
Okay my first CFL grow in a nut shell.

Get as many blue lights (6500k) as I can muster. Start 12 plants under 6 23w 6500k bulbs. As the plants fill out and become less manageable add 2700k lights for mor red spectrum.

Once 12 plants were about 10 inches I started flowering them. Once sex showed I eliminated 7 of them. This gave plenty of space to the remaining females. If you feel an area needs more light then get a new light.

The flowering period can take as few as 8-10 weeks and go for as long as 14ish. I have had plants take almost 16 weeks including the stretch at begining of flower.

Also as you are adding lights you can think about reducing the hours slowly over say a month or even two weeks. I feel plants respond to this rather then being thrown from one light schedule to another..


thats very help full

i have some fan ? for u now............what is the best way to go.........what is the more reasonable way to go for a fan that draws air out of the box......


Well-Known Member
Depends on the size of your box and how noisy you want it. IF your box is small you might have good results with something akin to a bathroom evacuation fan. Or atleast that would be where I started my search.


can i just make that my exhaust and drill a hole in the bottom so that it has an intake......because if its drawing it out that means it has to suck it in from somewhere rite?:joint::weed:


Well-Known Member
If you have an exhaust fan set up along the top and intakes at the bottom the power of physics should smile upon you with aided natural convection style heat evacuation!


ok everyone it has been along time since i've updated

i had a old dresser. noting to fancy..........just a 3 drawer like night stand or bed table whatever you wanna call it.......gutted the insides and now it is my grown box.......perfect ill get some pics loaded up but i have a few ?'s now.......

how do i build a filter for the smell?

how close to put the lights?

is 3 6500k 27w cfl's enough or should i be running more?how many?

i started some plants and on 1 of them the second set of leaves to come out got brown tips on the end of the leaves......why?


so no one answered my last post......its week 2 of my first grow and i am trying to figure out how to build a filter.......? can someone help?