whens the best time to start pruning


Can any1 tell me when the best time to prune or trim my plants...
They are in there second week of veg and they vary from 6 to 8 inch in hight..
Any info will be great thanks.


it all depends on the plant. think of your plants as individuals and things will be alot easier and less plant problems in my opinion. as far as pruning or "lollipopping" goes, i usually start around the third week of veg and i keep pruning them all the way into the second week of flowering little by little. but like i said every plant is different. so what i would do in your situation is start pruning lightly next week sometime, preferably after you feed.then watch them for a few days and if they start to wilt or discolor, then youll have to work it out. if not, then maybe prune a little heavier the next time. pruning is definitely beneficial to the plant, dont be afraid to take whole underdeveloped branches off, your plant will thank you later, and you'll be thanking yourself when you harvest.take care and good luck.