when you started growing...


Well-Known Member
So I'm just curious about all my fellow brothers and sisters on RIU and weather they started out on soil or hydro (or other).
I actually started in soil and have been dirt farmer ever since. Now that Iv'e started to get good on soil, I would love to start experimenting with hydro. It would be cool if yall would take a walk down memory lane and tell what growing medium you started with.

Also if you know of any good posts of basic hydro setups, accessories and just the basic principles of hydro, it would be awsome cuz I'm looking to start "dabbling".

And just because...i'm bored mostly...some pics of some white rhino and thai stick I grew a while back.

Peace and good livinbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
So, you just want to experiment?

Cus your buds look good! Why change?

Hydro is expensive but has it's advantages


Well-Known Member
Nice work Scotts. lookin tasty. And IDK...I just figure there's always more to be learned. (especially when herb is involved). Hydro also appeals to me because it seems neat, clean way to go about growing. Not that I would EVER leave soil behind. But yea...I would deffiantly just like to learn more about hydro. thanks for the posts so far guys.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I have been in the same boat as you because I thought HYDRO was an impact for good bud but honestly it is not IMO.

If you are going to give it a whirl, I would start with bubbleponics because it makes so much sense.


Well-Known Member
i started about year and half ago with soil and cfl went to a 175 mh and then to 2 1000 with promix


Well-Known Member
Nice work Scotts. lookin tasty. And IDK...I just figure there's always more to be learned. (especially when herb is involved). Hydro also appeals to me because it seems neat, clean way to go about growing. Not that I would EVER leave soil behind. But yea...I would deffiantly just like to learn more about hydro. thanks for the posts so far guys.
thx, just finished week 5, does it seem behind for a sativa? does to me i'm worried! maybe it's just cause i see it everyday..

also, i'm interested in learning how to 'dip' into hydro myself


Well-Known Member
I started with using dirt just seeing if I could get the plant to even start. I then purchased some CFL’s, and then moved onto a 400 watt hps/mh switchable. Now I have 2 rooms 6 lights, 4 ebb and flow tables (self made) and a whole lot of love for the sport of smoking and growing! 420 for life!!!!


Well-Known Member
nice guys! scott I'm still no expert but it looks like it may be a tad underdevolped but that happens with mine all the time. Your babby looks healthy (not to mention dank) so I wouldnt worry.
And boss, I would love to start going all organic as well. thats something I would love to look into also. Looks like alot of you took some major jumps in your growing profficiancy. from CFL to to 2 1000watt I think it was...thats awsome. Love it.


Well-Known Member
Soil, as I would expect most start on. Grew my own mushrooms and loved the thought of producing my own bud and cut out the shady middle man I ran across to often. Very possibly do hydro on the next grow but so far it's been soil the whole time.