When to start flowering


Well-Known Member
Ok People I need A question Answered If i want the final height of my plants to be no more than 28-30 Inches when should i start to flower them?????? And when I Open My Box am i supposed to smell a Hint of weed already If you look closely there's like a shimmer of crystal on the leaves i danno if its crystals or small hairs but i do smell them...:confused:
The tallest one is about 7-8 inches And There in 6 Inch pots... Is this adequate for my grow room size


High Time 420

Well-Known Member
a plant will double at least in height when you flip the switch, so work out your max height and go from there/



Well-Known Member
I have 28-30 Inches HIGHEST so wat height should the plants be like 12-15 inches to start flowering


Active Member
if you want your plants eight to be 12-15 in. you're screwed cause it ain't guna happen unless you LST it.. If you want a small plant flower it now, you will get an ok harvest. Some threads around people doing 12/12 from seed and having a nice harvest. The weed smell is normal :leaf:

luvvin growin

Active Member
the smell is absolutely normal,and I've grown a White Rhino,vegged it for 2 weeks,no training,started flowering on week 3,flowered it for 9 weeks,and the ending height was 25",but its dependant on the strain,training,etc.But thats my Rhino schedule.


Well-Known Member
I Dont understand my PLant will not become 12-15 inches high because i need LST it looks very complicated to me anyway i guess at 12 inches ill flower... Its gunna be a CHEAP yield i guess but watever...:cry: My Strain is KC 36 White Widow X KC Brains if anyone has strain specific tips that would be great...


Yeah, that's a pretty good estimate. I've been doing the same thing due to lack of space in my stealth box -.-


Well-Known Member
Dammnnn Thats CHEAPPP lol I dont even no if ima get more than 1 plant that will be a female... Im getting bummed outtt :-(


Well-Known Member
Hey People My Biggest Plant is about 11-13 inches now... but that is the most stretched one...the other big one is about 3 inches shorter than 12 inches... and the others are about 6-7.... i have 2 and a 1/4 Feet of Maximum height to grow these things.... Im just waiting for the sex to show... Cuz i cant have that big Plant growing too bigg... When should I flower?????
Please refer to my last pics on my grow Thread... So you can see how big they are.. :joint:


Hey People My Biggest Plant is about 11-13 inches now... but that is the most stretched one...the other big one is about 3 inches shorter than 12 inches... and the others are about 6-7.... i have 2 and a 1/4 Feet of Maximum height to grow these things.... Im just waiting for the sex to show... Cuz i cant have that big Plant growing too bigg... When should I flower?????
Please refer to my last pics on my grow Thread... So you can see how big they are.. :joint:
flower now look for sex if you see ball get rid of it if you see white hairs switch it back to 18/6 for a week then
take clones for it and flower them clones too or get them on some clfs in a new box


Well-Known Member
I dunt have a place to Vegg and flower at the moment... to risky to have 2 different grows at a time... but yea hopefully for future grows in my own place..
And yea i want my shorter ones to get to the height of my second highest now then im going to start flowering.


Active Member
This is where you really need to know the strains and how they react. They can be so different. Right now I'm growing Mango and Heavy Duty Fruity, indica dominant strains. I was worried about my height and in the end they didn't stretch much in flowering at all. The tallest plant went from 27" to 33" I was expecting them to get up to 45"-50". In the past I've had sativa dominant strains more than double in flowing.

If you're only going to have a plant or two and height is an issue, look into LST (low stress training) It's real easy and my plants seem to love it.

I use wire coat hangers to train them. I drill a small whole in the top of my pot. I then insert a small piece of the coat hanger and curl it at both ends. One end is attached to the pot, and the other end pulls the plant down till it's parallel with the ground. The side brances will grow quickly and the end of the plant will start growing towards the light in a day. I give it a few days then insert another piece of coat hanger 3-4 inches away so that plant is growing along the diameter of the pot. With all the side branches getting 8-9 inches long it's like having multiple plants.