When to plant the sprouted seeds


Active Member
Hi All,

I am brand spanking new to growing but have many years under my belt as a smoker.

Ok heres the deal i have 4 Master Kush seeds sprouting how long should the root be before I plant?

Luckily I have been a gardener for last 7 years growing toms fruit veg etc.. all organic so I am cool with potting mix etc...

Just Wanna Make sure I don't kill the little darlings!

Also have some THC Bomb coming anyone tried these before??

I am in N. Europe any one else out here??



Well-Known Member
another uk grower, lol erm you want it to be at least half an inch just pop it into the soil about and inch or 2 down, did you know cannabis is class b here in the uk, so just be careful who you tell that your growing or your going to end up in jail, anyways good luck :)


Active Member

I thought it had been downgraded to class c? Even so still not good to get busted! Thanks for the tip,
