when to harvest?

finally got pics to work, the close up of top bud is from march 3oth so its furthe along than that, the pic of the main cola is from 2 days ago, the pic of trich is from bout a week ago, do they look cloudy at all? seven weeks in i think its definitley sativa dom, this from a reggos bag, luckily a female. 5 foot tallish.



Well-Known Member
ahahahah yea dude, you think it would change in the past 30 min. ok ill say 3 weeks 6 days 23 hours and 30 minutes :lol:
well sorry lol, u asked for pics, i finally got pics. but ok i wont ask again, at laest for another 3 weeks 6 days 23 hours and 30 minutes


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone else.. Sativa dom strains are normally 10+ weeks.... Soooo...youve got some time...

To help you NOT pick it... Go look at peoples pics who are product is FINISHED, then compare it to yours... Youll be mad at what you COULD have had if it wasnt for impatience..

Im as impatient as they come...but i refuse to let 7 weeks go down the drain because of it... N not down the drain, but lose out if i could have done better... ya feel me?