when to flower deisel


Active Member
i have a deisel baggseed plant growin ive been growin it it for about a month and its still in veg when should i flower it i was also thinkni about puttin it outside because im goin to the happiest place on earth unfortunatlly not amsterdam but disney and i have no one to take care of it what should i do


Well-Known Member
If your leaving, leave it in veg. No need to rush into flowering, especially if it's only been veging for a month. You just need to figure out how to get it watered. If you put it outside, who is going to water it for you? Sprinklers, drip system, friend? Better figure it out.


Active Member
the thing is im not leaving till the end of july so you think keepin it in veg for that long is nessacery isnt that shit gonna be huge ive read deisel gets huge


Active Member
yea i was thinkin bout that but tell you the truth i would probly fuck that up i dont kno anything about cloning i mean if keeping it in veg sounds like a good idea il do that i just wanted to kno the best thing for the situation and yea putting it outside is now out of the option my neighbor is a big burner so shed probly try to snatch it