When should I plant my seeds if I'm in central Oregon?


Active Member
Hey guys I've never grown before but I want to start soon. When should I plant my seeds if I'm growing outdoors in central Oregon?


Well-Known Member
Outdoor grow seasons over, everyone's plants are finishing up of they haven't already. Wait till next year round April for you I wait till cinco de mayo cuz I'm in the east coast or if your anxious watch the weather and wait for the final frost to hit so your in the clear.


Well-Known Member
Hey Brother...I'm North Central Oregon..I transplanted indoor to out in June. If your in N.Central Oregon you know we can get a frost into May. Mine was started indoors in April.


Well-Known Member
Hey Brother...I'm North Central Oregon..I transplanted indoor to out in June. If your in N.Central Oregon you know we can get a frost into May. Mine was started indoors in April.
This is good advice, the general consensus says after mothers day but it's still pretty dang cold. I think next year i'm gonna go from in to out 1 week before June.


Well-Known Member
For heaven´s sake, it is fucking autumn. Annual plants like MJ are dropping their leaves and producing fruit. Spend the winter READING about growing and plant your seeds in the spring.