When is it too late to start???


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of starting another grow site outdoors, I was wondering if it was too late to start outdoors from seed?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
If ya plan on goin all the way from seed, possibly. Depends on where ya live. Ya might be ok in the US on the West Coast, other than that. . .I'm no good at geography


Well-Known Member
im on the same page as you. i'm growing to grow outside this year but i have not started yet. The reason is because there is still snow outside and don't want frost to kill my plants.


Well-Known Member
man u could start from seed at the start of june just depends on your climate man..ive start from seeds in june a harvested in late sept and ive still got a good crop just plant more plants..there only going to be 3 ft when they flower but its still good dope lol.


New Member
3 week old seedling put out on june 21st,should get you 2oz.I got this info.from a book I read,forgot the name.