when does the dank smell come back?


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up RIU I just have a Lil question....so I've been curing for 2 1/2 Weeks and i'm wondering when is the smell going to come out.... I can squeeze a small bud and smell the smell i'm looking for? What's going on can someone help me out please....thanks


Active Member
IDK... Maybe you didn't cure it properly, got too dry/was too wet/or dried too fast when you started. Tho some strains don't smell that much even if you do cure properly. Should be pretty stinky now especially after the jar has been closed for that long. Its a fine line to walk and takes experience to get perfect smell and taste out of a cure.


Well-Known Member
IDK... Maybe you didn't cure it properly, got too dry/was too wet/or dried too fast when you started. Tho some strains don't smell that much even if you do cure properly. Should be pretty stinky now especially after the jar has been closed for that long. Its a fine line to walk and takes experience to get perfect smell and taste out of a cure.
I dried my bud for 4 days till the stems bent but didn't snap but the smell was gone then it smelt like grass then I put them in jars with a hygrometer and it reads 61% rh and when I squeeze the small buds I can smell the smell i'm looking for but only when squeezed and small buds... It gets me high but has no smell or taste.. I just hope I can find that thin line for the perfect cure...do u have any hints that could help me out? I read about sweating the buds in paper bags I just need to find out how the pros do it every time and I'll follow their every step lol


Well-Known Member
just a bad cure it takes practice what happened is you jarred too early and well by now if you dont have a good aroma ther wont be one for awhile.

next time let that shit get to the crispy point on the outside not only will teh stems crak but youll have some crispy edges, then jar it there will still be moisture and it will fluff back up. and just remember to open the jar for a few hours at a time(sometime 6-8) and slowly reduce that time over a course of a week pr 2.


Active Member
Yea from what you described you jarred too early. A slow even proper dry is as important as jarring and burping. Maybe even more important because no matter how perfect you curing is a bad dry wont let the curing take place. I think you either have a very low RH and the bud dried too fast or you jarred too early. Did you smell an ammoniaish smell? if so it was probably too wet. If not I'd say it was dry enough but dried too fast. I live in central air and I need to paper bag my buds because the RH is too low. You need the correct inside amount of water almost perfect to let the process eat all the chlorophyll (grass smell) and spit out all the terpenes. Having it too wet will kill this process and too dry it wont happen at all. Its not all bad. There are certain terpenes that show up in non properly cured bud that are actual beneficial. Limonene (sp?) for one acts as an anti depressant and carcinogenic battler and is currently undergoing studies to help fight breast cancer and such.


Its not about how many days it takes.. curing is a lot like cooking, it takes experience.. you cant just put a set time limit on the drying before that day actually comes. I am never completely happy with my cures, yeah I get a smell, and it does smell good, but I always try to aim for that double bag funk. One thing I will say I have noticed however, is when I left some popcorn nugs on some stems in my basement just for an experiment, it had a much better overall smell and texture to the bud. the only real differences I could think of environmentally is the temperature; it stays around 65 F almost all the time, and that they were on stems.

I seriously think Curing is probably THE hardest thing about the whole process mainly because like I said earlier, it is so much like cooking. I have never used Hygrometers for curing, I have seen the post on here about it and it interests me a lot. ( With school right around the corner, I don't have the cash to fork out for like 9 hygrometers ) Try finding a cooler spot to do your initial drying process and even the cure possibly. Hope this helps somewhat.
dont even worry about it once you put it is a glass jar that is SEALED.... not a plastic bag they arent airtight. and they will remoisten a bit and keep continuing that routine itll start to stink again!