When does budworm season start?


Well-Known Member
well that wasn't very stranger friendly.. think what hes trying to say is check out this thread... ( I know theres a shit ton of pages but ur answers will be in there..) https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/108398-yeah-its-bud-worm-season.html and IMO the budworm season starts jus before they flower when they go around laying their eggs on the stalk to be nurtured by the growing buds so they can hatch in the middle and eat their way out in a spiral pattern.


Active Member
I'm dreading the Caterpillar season. Does anyone know when they will start to show up?
Harvested 2 of my 3 foot plants yesterday and found a few of the bastards. In another month plants that aren't protected will be covered with them.. Take Metasynth's advice and get some BT..


i start spraying once every couple of weeks with caterpillar killer when the plants are small so by the time the buds come they dont mess with them i still get some i dont think you can stop them completely unless you cover them


Active Member
been growing for 5 years never had a budworm/catterpillar problem.. I've seen lotta fuckin aphids tho them shiney purpleish/turqoise bugs they love the buds I guess and last year I noticed little bees around my shit for some reason.. sweetness maybe they sometimes land on my buds, crawl around and shit.. This is in Ontario though.