When can i tell gender of these plants

When can i tell gender of these two plants that i have and yes i realize the second plant isnt doing to hot:? they are on a 24hr light cycle in an aerogarden, i want to tell gender as quick as possible because they arent that far away apart

this is plant number one
plant    1.jpg1.jpgplant      1.jpgplant  1.jpgplant 1.jpg

This is the second plant


Thanks for help in advance


Well-Known Member
pre flowers ,pre flowers
Again with more general statements and nothing useful.........

Plants dont show sex in veg unless you cover them up so part or all of the plant gets 12/12 of light.......... And then that's called flower, not veg, even if your "faking it" in veg by covering up a lower branch, you're still putting the plant in flower mode.

Hate to keep ragging on you pilgram but you keep making posts with non factual information.......... Keep it real and research it bro ;)
i have other plants that havent been on 24hr light since the begining and they are about same size when can i tell gender of those since they arent in veg light


Well-Known Member
i have other plants that havent been on 24hr light since the begining and they are about same size when can i tell gender of those since they arent in veg light
24 hours of light is veg light. Anything over 12 hours of light in a 24 hour period is considered veg mode. So, as with all plants, put em in flower and then weed out the males. If you dont want to do this process next time just grab some feminized seeds................. good luck


Again with more general statements and nothing useful.........

Plants dont show sex in veg unless you cover them up so part or all of the plant gets 12/12 of light.......... And then that's called flower, not veg, even if your "faking it" in veg by covering up a lower branch, you're still putting the plant in flower mode.

Hate to keep ragging on you pilgram but you keep making posts with non factual information.......... Keep it real and research it bro ;)
Ummm i dont know where in the hell ur getting ur info but u dont cover up the plant all you do is give the plant 12 hrs of darkness and 12 hrs of light for like 2 weeks then look at the nodes of the plants or where the stems meet the main shoot you will see either little balls or lil white hairs impossible to miss em


and if its female continue with 12-12 until harvest or make her a mother in which case u would re veg which means putting back on 24 hrs

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
although research kitty is gruff, theres truth there. u cant tell true sex till morphology. i dont give a shit what cervantes book says.


what do u mean morphology
u tell sex by looking for certen things growing or is that what the process of it growing is called?


Plants show sex at 4-6 weeks under 18/6 when grown relatively well.

No 12/12 required.
not true my friend i grew a afgan kush for about 8 weeks 18/6 and it finally started to presex it all depends on the plants genetics some take longer some are crazy fast


Well-Known Member
not true my friend i grew a afgan kush for about 8 weeks 18/6 and it finally started to presex it all depends on the plants genetics some take longer some are crazy fast
There are always outliers, you are correct. The vast majority of strains fall within my mentioned boundaries though.


Well-Known Member
Ummm i dont know where in the hell ur getting ur info but u dont cover up the plant all you do is give the plant 12 hrs of darkness and 12 hrs of light for like 2 weeks then look at the nodes of the plants or where the stems meet the main shoot you will see either little balls or lil white hairs impossible to miss em

Learn to read. If you cover a lower branch giving it 12 hours of dark, then 12 hours of light, you can keep the rest of the plant in veg mode if you simply want to determine sex without trying to veg the entire plant. You basically told me I was wrong, then told the OP to do the exact same thing I said. Good one :) :)

Plants show sex at 4-6 weeks under 18/6 when grown relatively well.

No 12/12 required.
Yea, but try convincing someone to veg a plant for 6 weeks to determine sex. At 6 weeks I'd just clip a clone and toss it in flower to see what its sex is instead. :) If the clone shows balls, toss the 6 weeker in veg out or harvest it for pollen...........


Well-Known Member
Not getting into this fray, but here is a valueble link for you to read. This should answer most question and is good to keep handy for referrence. The most important thing you will learn about growing your babies, and this forum can be the most wonderful place to learn or a nightmare by accepting incorrect advice. In the words of Neal Boortz "never believe anything I say unless you know it yourself to be the truth", in other words ask and look it up.
There is enough misinformation in this thread to startle most veteran growers, so please take the time to research, ask google, read and study, just like school or work.
Welcome to the world of plant growing


Well-Known Member
Wow............. Ok rob1234...............

Good reply with verbal abuse, rather than constructive criticism or the "proper way according to rob1234".......... I expect your registration here to be short lived..........