When addiction becomes kinda funny


Well-Known Member
she smokes lots of weed now to, its kinda nice

and im glad to hear that you fought your addiction and beat it bonz, theres very few that can say that

especially to coke


Well-Known Member
coke was easy it was the heroin that was hard. it`s always the opiates, they are the only drugs that have a physical addiction. must have to function.
oh and thank you


Well-Known Member
so you were on methadone? how did that go? thats what my g/f originally was gonna do, but then we saw another doctor and he talked us out of it to use suboxone... its worked well so far


Well-Known Member
yah my girlfriend snorted 6-10 stamp bags a day for over a year then i finally said either it goes or i do and shes been clean and on suboxone ever since
If she's on something else then she's not exactly clean, is she? She's just transferred the addiction to something else it seems.
You use weed as a coping mechanism? Mentally or pyshically? i never saw herb that way
I do. And I have for a long time. First, when I was a teenager I used it because it felt SO good. Then, after I had my kids, I used it because I was becoming too angry (read: enraged) at little shit like the messes they would make right after I had cleaned the house. I couldn't do that to them, could I? I had to control myself, but couldn't when I became enraged, I just couldn't even though I tried like hell. Weed helped, and still helps my brain calm down. I also like it for pain control, but that's only been necessary since '02.

My son who uses is a high-functioning autistic. He becomes EXTREMELY anxious about things, new situations, his room or the house being rearranged, whether or not he's understanding people correctly. He's been on quite a few Rx's. He also would be a an anorexic if he didn't smoke, and he's thin enough as it is.

So, yeah, weed to cope or as a coping mechanism, self-medication, whatever you want to call it. I still like to have it because when I don't I still have these problems dealing with some things. Like the phone call I got from my husband this morning. One of his employees' wife was ARRESTED, by a SWAT team, because their kids have been ditching class. Thing is, in this honkey-assed white county, do you think a single fucking WHITE parent has been charged and arrested??? No. Only the Puerto Rican wife and the Mexican husband. Judge says, "It's a new law." I have spent the morning absolutely ENRAGED because I KNOW that they've been targeted because of their ethnicity. I have nowhere to direct this rage, and I am having a huge problem letting it go. If I could smoke just a few hits off a bowl, I could calm the fuck DOWN and put my thinking cap on!


Well-Known Member
welll shes been weening off of it a half a pill ever couple months and shes down to one pill... by christmas she should be completly off of everything

thats what suboxone does... it helps you cope with your sickness with out getting you high, so you can ween yourself off of opiates... same thing as nicotine patches for cigarette smokers


Well-Known Member
so you were on methadone? how did that go? thats what my g/f originally was gonna do, but then we saw another doctor and he talked us out of it to use suboxone... its worked well so far
it worked for me because it had to or i was going to die way sooner than i am now. i dont agree with the way it is run though. up here it is to slack, if you use on it you should be cut off and they dont. you just cant get your supply to take home, only if you give clean piss for 6 months. but i see almost every one in the office going on the nod waiting for thier dose, Hmmmm they look like thier not in pain to me. it`s not regulated enough. for me it was the easiest thing i quit, i hated the people that i had to deal with at the doctors so bad that i was the quickest detox that office had ever had, from 150 mills to 0 in 8 months. and i had to start at 30 ml`s and go up 10 ml per week till i topped out then down.


Well-Known Member
seamaiden i can totaly relate to your stresses. i grew up in a house that we had a adopted a severly handicapped girl amnd it was hellon my parents, in fact my mom died at 51 years old.
my hat goes off to ya


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry your mom's no longer with you physically, bonz.

Today, I'm glad your girl is getting cleaned up. Hopefully she can just stick to pot, it doesn't bork you like other shit does.