Whats with people rolling trashy joints?


Well-Known Member
fyi this is going to be a hell of a rant, im really sick of smoking bad joints and i need to get this off my chest.

im curious if you guys have ever encountered a roll so bad that you have to re-roll to smoke it. Last night i was hangin with some old buddies smokin some grass. Someone passes me the joint and its about to fall apart. Normally, I would be respectful to the guy who rolled it cause its usually his pot, but i had to speak up. imagine a joint that is so loose you have to hold it at the business end to keep pot from flying into your throat. They all thought it was a good roll, disgusting. I was sickened. I pretty much ended up teaching a room full of potheads how to roll a decent joint for 40 minutes. I'm not bragging, cause im sure im not the best, but I can roll a sick joint. Everywhere I roll, everyone is like "dude who rolled this joint(or blunt) its perfect." I've seriously never smoked a BLUNT that someone else rolled that can hit like or burn half as long as my JOINTS do. I can keep a normal zig-zag paper roll burning for almost 10 minutes with 3 or 4 people smokin it. and shitty blunts...jesus. I would be seriously embarassed if I rolled some of the blunts ive smoked at parties. If you're not confident you can roll a great, smooth, long burning hard hittin blunt that doesn't require some random dudes spit on the goddamn roll to burn evenly then dont roll when a room full of people are smoking. I look at it this way; if the end you plan on toking from goes flat when you grab it, either rip it off until it is at a point in the roll where it is tight or roll it again. if the tobaccoo wrap has space between the herb and the wrap, let someone else do it because ya aint ready to roll blunts. and if you EVER roll with white owl cigarello's; never use good weed. Christ that pisses me off too, cheap cigars when im throwing down good weed. This is why I always carry phillies or good wraps when i know im gonna be smokin up. I don't know about you guys, but if someone is about to roll shitty brick weed in a blunt that im going to be smoking, I tell him/her to put it away and ill roll a blunt of the finest, no charge. Tobacco in joints? no problem as long as you arent using smoker friendly brand cigarettes. I use newport tobacco if I know everyone likes menthol, but if im unsure i use parliament, only a TINY BIT THOUGH! tobacco is dumb in blunts. My blunt rolls dont need me to spit on the lit end to burn evenly or longer. Ive timed my blunts before. longest rotation was 38 minutes(consisting of 5 smokers, no chump moochers sittin there hittin it for 3 minutes, consistent rotation) It used up almost 3 grams of bud, but it was easily the best blunt any of them will ever smoke. I rarely hit a blunt at a party more than once. I get offered it, but i kindly decline with "no thanks dude, that roll is fucking wack." HAHA i might sig that.

idk guys, im talkin out of my ass, im ripped so it may not make sense. but ya get the point. long and short of it is:

Do you ever get handed a shitty joint or blunt and actually have to decline its so bad??


Well-Known Member
If I roll a bad j (i don't roll much, I'm a glass fiend) I just tear it up and roll again. papers are cheap.


Well-Known Member
blunt any of them will ever smoke. I rarely hit a blunt at a party more than once. I get offered it, but i kindly decline with "no thanks dude, that roll is fucking wack."

You call that a kind response. I would definitely be offended by that response.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap! I can't remember the last time I rolled a joint. I thought I was a good roller but the older you get, the better you were.


Well-Known Member
destroys the whole feeling, tbh. i dont get as high of spliffs from others the feeling aint there :D

i hate it when u lick the sticky part, and then its on the other side... damn !!!!!!!!



Active Member
If you don't know who to roll a nice tight joint then you should not be smoking in the first place. I don't hit blunts someone else has rolled anymore because last time the roller put angel dust in it and the blunt wasn't even tight . Kept getting weed in my mouth and shit. Why can't people roll nice joints anymore? :bigjoint:

sky high

Active Member
Buy your pal a ciggarette roller...never again to complain about bad rolled j's! ( i personally own one and in about 60 seconds from grinder to joint...lil slow i know but why go fast..spend some qaulity time with your lady :) )


Well-Known Member
You call that a kind response. I would definitely be offended by that response.
haha man i was kidding, i wouldnt say something like that.

I do prefer a bowl or bong, but you cant pass a bowl and have a decent conversation at the same time, its easier to talk with a fatty going around. speaking of fatties, anyone here know how to roll a decent chode? i only can with ez widers


Well-Known Member
haha man i was kidding, i wouldnt say something like that.

I do prefer a bowl or bong, but you cant pass a bowl and have a decent conversation at the same time, its easier to talk with a fatty going around. speaking of fatties, anyone here know how to roll a decent chode? i only can with ez widers
me...... non stop... only roll spliffs over 20+ cm...

didnt rip the extra papes off there yet... :)

this how i roll my spliffs.. non stop actually.. i dont see the point of small ones when i am at home.. outside there 20cms or 15cms.. depends.. if someone only has papers.. well then there only like 10 cms long wich sucks !


Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
i hate it when u lick the sticky part, and then its on the other side... damn !!!!!!!!

I always lick the side of the paper without the glue on it. The moisture travels thru the paper and your tounge doesn't remove the glue. Try it, it works.

Any joint is OK with me as long as someone doesn't BOGART it.


Well-Known Member
just practice rolling jays when your bored or high. its easy
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Well-Known Member
I always lick the side of the paper without the glue on it. The moisture travels thru the paper and your tounge doesn't remove the glue. Try it, it works.

Any joint is OK with me as long as someone doesn't BOGART it.

ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck......... you lick the paper on top first... dude, that way it shrizzles up... and is harder to aim.. cuz once it hits the sticky part, your done !!!!!

and i bet its hard to adjust the wet part on the sticky part....

lol.. i roll the best spliffs anyways :lol:


Or wait, you dont roll backwards do you ? meaning you use more papers than you need... filling your lungs with uneeded shit. or more uneeded shit than possible..

and the spliff tastes better once u hit the bottom, i swear i puked once when this dude rolld a spliff forwards... hit the bottom part.. omg.. so much paper.. i puked... :D



New Member
I've smoked 25 years and have never once rolled a joint, I wouldn't even begin to know how.

My daughter can roll a joint that looks so perfect you would think it was a cigarette.

Funny how things work out.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I use 1 regular Ziggy. After rolling between your fingers, and you're ready to seal it, lick the oppisite side of the paper (the side the glue isn't on) and continue rolling. All the glue remains on the paper, not on your tounge.
It ain't rocket surgury.

Most of my tokin these days is done with my Silver Surfer with a glass whip. No tar. I only roll doobs for traveling.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Just tried licking the back of the gum strip - it does work...(great! Got 2 cheap "rips" rolls from poundland a while ago and I could never get them to sick coz the glue always came off in my mouth...)

I'm still shit at rolling spliffs though...I can make them like a roll-up wihout the twisty end, as soon as I start the twisting they come unstuck or rip


Well-Known Member
buy rips.... the best papers out there, a 5 meter roll u can rip of the size u want the spliff to be...

lick once at top and it sticks.......