What's up guys? From philly!


Active Member
How's it going yall? I'm new to the city and even newer to these boards, just dropping in to meet a few fellow smokers and to salute the rest of ya.


Active Member
Nice man. Not much, just getting adjusted to the city still... I'll probably head down to CC later on. Got to find my friend Mary Jane.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man i feel ya, around me it has been insanely fry for the past like two weeks. A few busts and what not. Good luck finding it

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
Thanks Kor. Yeah Tom, I heard it has been dry as hell. And this is hell for me being a serial blunt smoker. Se la ve (or something).


Well-Known Member
Korvette, I live in bucks county. P!casso, same thing with me man, it has been horrible during this dry spell. Good luck finding it and let me know how it goes.

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
what is CC?

i live in maryland. not far form Philly about a 45 min drive.

in Cecil County lol thats CC to me.


Well-Known Member
true sorry im stoned and didnt put 2 and 2 together. haha

but im not far form you P!caso. and we get some Blazin buds from here.

when me and my boi Black Mike went to CC Philly we got Weight but it def. wasent the best weed around you know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
That would be perfect man, I'm about four weeks form my harvest and i should get an alright bit so I'm kind of relying on that if the dryness doesnt stop.

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Its not dry but the quality up here is crap.. There are some high grade's going around but the are commanding $400.00 and better an OZ The regs are $100 an oz but not worth the smoke . its green but It dont get me high ..I'm Spoiled i guess ..Only high grade weed for my bubblers and bowls and bongs ..


Active Member
Yeah bleezyg please do! hAHa, damn I feel your collective pain. The one person I found in center city skimped on my bag, even when I hooked em up with some gas money. Times are tough, now I'm staring at a vacant, smokeless weekend. I would grow, but I live with granny and she finds every goddamned thing! Geez... I hear ya Skunkone, I need to get down to your area asap! I like headies but I usually settle with mids because it's cheaper and lasts me longer since it's such a pain to get in touch with people. I used to get a sweet hookup on purple haze, about 6 grams for 20. I need a time machine!
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