Whats the safest way to order seeds off the internet in u.s.?

I need help with the process of orderind seeds off line. the problemm is that i only have access to bull shit bag seed which i'm using for pratice until i can get some designer seeds i'm just scared shitless of getttn busted. Any advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Toke AND choke:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Its always something that hits the ole paranoya button but there are a few things you could do to help like paying cash or prepaid international credit card or having the seeds sent to someone else's house. Either way, its illegal and they could get intercepted by us customs. Just dont order too much at one time and you have a great chance of everything going smoothly.
Thanks Boneman and where can these prepaid int. credit cards be purchased i not that knowledgable about the subject sorry for being green lol pun intended.


Well-Known Member
no po box has your name and info. check out www.bcseeds.com sign up wit fake name . they only deal wit cash have sent to address somewhere other then where u r growin.........


Well-Known Member
what do u gthink about having them sent to a p.o. box is that safe
if you're skilled in the art of 2nd identity, maybe, if not then you're probably increasing the risk
been a while since i've seen a documented case of customs following up on a seed order
My wife and I just received 10 White Widow feminized seeds from Europe. We ordered online, and they showed up unmolested.


Well-Known Member
Use The Attitude seedbank they give you a tracking number and no bullshit like Oh no we sent them but they have no proof.