whats the difference between sativa and indica


Well-Known Member
what is/are the differences between Sativa and Indica

also what is a feminized seed?
and how easily do they get pollinated and grow balls? (or are they guaranteed to be female and stay female no matter what?)

if you have an answer to this please answer

thank you

if this is in the wrong spot can somebody please tell me where to put it or transfer it please im still gettin used to this stuff ehy sorry




Well-Known Member
you cannot give your point of view on indica or sativa, its either indica or sativa no question about it. All of this is covered in the grow FAQ, i suggest you read it and then read it again and again before posting these sort of questions. not trying to be a cunt but they dont go down very well around here.
indicas grow short and bushy sativas grow tall..sativas have an uplifting high indicas have a couchlock high.feminised seeds are seeds with a high chance of females not a 100 percent though.It takes 2 months or moe in 18/6 lighting for plants to show preflowers or you can put it to 12/12 and see it within 2 weeks..Males generally show faster than females..


Well-Known Member
thank you

also which do people think out of the two generaly gets a better yield?
and which do they like more? (and for what reasons)

ie:the kind of high, how long the high lasts, how long it takes to grow ect) anything

also im sorry i didnt organize this post better havent done to much posting before

also for dannyking "
you cannot give your point of view on indica or sativa, its either indica or sativa no question about it. All of this is covered in the grow FAQ, i suggest you read it and then read it again and again before posting these sort of questions. not trying to be a cunt but they dont go down very well around here."

i was simply trying to leave it open as not to obstruct the creativity and broadness of peoples answers.
ya kknow not restricting the answers to a single one sloped fucking hill
i mean how boring can you get
indica,couchlock short and bushy more yeild fast to grow some indicas take 6 weeks to flower.sativas high is good and energetic but i prefer the shit that has me stuck..sativas dont yeild much because they grow tall and leggy and cant support heavy buds..and they also take like 3 months to flower


Well-Known Member
indica : these strains have fat finger leaves and tend too stay fairly small, a full grown can reach around 4 foot.

sativas: long thin finger leaves and tend to grow very tall 7 foot and over outdoors.

feminized seed: these have been treated and selected. they have a higher rate of being female they also cost more too.


Well-Known Member
when people tell you to read the grow faq, its for a good reason. these are the types of questions most people who even smoke weed know...you sound really fucking lazy/stupid to me, possibly a combination of both. however, i have nothing better to do and i cant sleep...so ill help. indicas typically yeild more, because they are bushier. its a preference on which you like more. mostly people smoke sativas throughout the day, because it wont make you fall asleep at the wheel, and indicas at night, for obvious reasons. high lasts the same amount, just different type of highs. sativas generally take longer to flower. its called fucking google, btw.


Well-Known Member
but wouldnt seeds from a company overseas be pretty much guaranteed to be female anyway?

i mean i hardly think theyre gonna keep growing a maleand risk fucking the lot up just to sell them seperately
but wouldnt seeds from a company overseas be pretty much guaranteed to be female anyway?

i mean i hardly think theyre gonna keep growing a maleand risk fucking the lot up just to sell them seperately
no all female seeds have a chance of growing male or hermie..so buy a 5 pack of fem and a 10 pack of reg seeds and see which one has more females..


Well-Known Member
yeah But Its like i said you cant actually talk to some cunt on google and get there point of view on the homegrown life can ya. No its just an open resourse of knowledge for professors and uptight cunts like that..
ppl who can do it in controlled invironments and not have to worry about having some faggot in a blue suit cum running in your fucking house so stick google up your asses i preffer ta ask real people

the faq section remark i can handle but did you ever think maybe i did have a quick look at it and like you said (maybe it was a lazy look lazy being stoned and tired)
and obviously it was unsuccesful ehy

p.s i meaqn how stupid is it really if even you clicked on this topic
as far as im concerned ive already learnt a bit from some of the rplys ( thanks by the way)



Well-Known Member
no all female seeds have a chance of growing male or hermie..so buy a 5 pack of fem and a 10 pack of reg seeds and see which one has more females..
but what do you reckon will happen?
with the seeds being from a propper seed bank most of them should come female anyway shouldnt they?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ummm so if i order normal seeds t"hey should be female" (if i grow them right that is)

also what kind of high do you get from each and which is more famouse for euphoric properties (as in a general which one has the most that give these effects) please sorry sounds dumb and aalready been answered but Im still a bit unclear thanks for the answers

mainly to wyteberrywidow
youse have been a great help so far


Well-Known Member
yeah But Its like i said you cant actually talk to some cunt on google and get there point of view on the homegrown life can ya. No its just an open resourse of knowledge for professors and uptight cunts like that..
ppl who can do it in controlled invironments and not have to worry about having some faggot in a blue suit cum running in your fucking house so stick google up your asses i preffer ta ask real people

the faq section remark i can handle but did you ever think maybe i did have a quick look at it and like you said (maybe it was a lazy look lazy being stoned and tired)
and obviously it was unsuccesful ehy

p.s i meaqn how stupid is it really if even you clicked on this topic
as far as im concerned ive already learnt a bit from some of the rplys ( thanks by the way)

All indoor grows should be done in a controlled environment.


Active Member
well, a sativa will give you more of a celebral high, that is a hi which you almost feel only in your head. apposed to other highs were your whole body feals almost a little numb. with a sativa, just your head will get baked, i personally love sativas. When I smoke, I like to go out and do stuff, im huge into rockclimbing/hiking/ outdoor adventure sports, so all I smoke if im gonna smoke when I go out is sativas. I even pick them a little bit early to sometimes, when the trichromes are all milky and only 2-10 visible trichs on the whole plant have turned amber.

now indica: the indica will grow out like a bush, when I harvest indica I wait till the trichs are half milky, half amber (your not gonna turn a indica into a sativa by harvesting it early, so just do it right). these highs are great for watching movies, just chilling around the house, or going fishing :) lol. with indicas, my body feals heavy, my head feals heavy, I notice with me a loss of a bit of motor sensory movement. take you pick, the only way to really know is to experience. talk to people before you buy bud, ask them you want a energetic high, chances are this will be a sativa, or you can go out and buy indica. Idk why, but were i am, indica is all thats on the streets. Luckilly for me, I just grow my own :)


Well-Known Member
thaanks but i know that im not completely stupid although im just begining and dont know much

although any other info would be good im an outdoor boy ehy
just a beginner in that too but getting there

thanks danyking

and a BIG thank you to bbike your a champion :) that helped a lot


Active Member
I like strains with a good mixture of sativa and indica. But i havent got a grow going on right now, so i smoke mexican regs. Cause i love gettin high no matter what. Wooo!!!!!!