Whats the best way to store pollen?

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
I would like to store the pollen for at least 3 months. I have tried to store pollen in glass containers in the past, and it got moldy.

What storing method has worked for you? How long did the pollen last?
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Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
I store mine in the fridge in small airtight containers. The oldest pollen I have is from March 3 and is still viable. Make sure it is completely dry before sealing and refrigerating it.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
4-10 parts flour, 1 part pollen stored in air tight container in fridge. Heat the flour in a small pot to kill any fungus, weevils, etc....let cool before using. Do not heat it so much that it carbonizes, just lightly.


Well-Known Member
I read one where it said to place a brown paper bag over the male twist tie the bottom of the bag so that the pollin pollinates the inside real good and freeze it and it can last up to 3 months. Just thought id stop by and deliver...:peace: