What's The Best Concert You've Seen?


Well-Known Member
Muse and the Chili Peppers. It was the lights that did it as much as anything


Well-Known Member
Ummmm.... let me think.... Oh yeah.....One of the 100+ Grateful Dead shows. Probably my favorite was spring 92.... did spring tour back stage/on stage. Good times!

*******Thank you Dennis and Steve.... if either of you read this!!!!


Well-Known Member
ISIS without a doubt. I have seen this band multiple times and they always deliver. If you don't know who this band is then pls look them up! Heaviest band ever and that is not an understatement. They are so heavy live your face melts off...


Well-Known Member
Guided By Voices - New's Years Eve 2001 or 2002 (can't remember) at the Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill.

That was the night I learned Rock hadn't died.


New Member
Since I've already posted my best, I'll add an honorable mention. I saw "The Decemberists" last year. They were very good and a fun concert.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Might be old school but Tom Petty puts on one of the best concerts ever. Saw him at the Mile High Music festivle in Denver and he still is amazing. He was much better than Dave Mathews was on the following night.


New Member
Anyone been to a Pat Metheny concert? That is one tight group of musicians hittin those notes. Metheny plays at some points so quick his hands seem to blur. And he only plays smaller venues with good acoustics, so the sound is smack dead on.
Some concert halls are hideous for acoustics, stadiums are the worst of them.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Cream, 1967 while tripping on Sunshine :mrgreen:.... or 1966 The Yardbirds... Dates may be off a little since it's been a few years.


Well-Known Member
Might be old school but Tom Petty puts on one of the best concerts ever. Saw him at the Mile High Music festivle in Denver and he still is amazing. He was much better than Dave Mathews was on the following night.
he will always be better than dave mathews on any night


Active Member
havent really been to alot of concerts. used to be heavy into rock but over the last 6months or so iv been gettin into D&B. best recent event i was at was chase & status + dillinja in edinburgh last month. that was a night to remember! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
AFI at the Underworld, Camden. Fuck I wasn't even an AFI fan at the time but they totally killed it that night.