Whats somebody like you doin in a place like this?


Well-Known Member
the timbaland/katy perry song just came on so im askin
"whats somebody like u doin in a place like this?"

Actually this might be a shortlived thread cos really theres only 2 reasons?
1)like growing weed
2)like smoking weed

or 3)ur DEA


Well-Known Member
Marijuana fascinates me! I mean.. NO ONE has ever died... and it's ILLEGAL. That in itself is fucking mind blowing...

fuck i'm baked :D


Well-Known Member
i love smoking weed
fuckyeh BoB

Marijuana fascinates me! I mean.. NO ONE has ever died... and it's ILLEGAL. That in itself is fucking mind blowing...

fuck i'm baked :grin:
yeh some shit blows ur mind.. u can buy cigarettes, proven fastrack to the grave

I'm here to watch and report all 3 of you so far!!!! hope you like being paraniod "streetlegal"!!!???
fuck u DEA, if thats ur real name