what's Good to give when growing with organics


Well-Known Member
the answer will be the same as for the question Why choose to eat natural organic tomato then the GMOs? no specific answer just arguments from both camps! choose what's good for u and build ur own opinion! if you wanna keep it as close as the natural cannabis grown by itself in the woods Go Organic! but if u want big yield and more controlled growth go chemical! tho, organic good quality nute are usually more expensive then the others.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Bio bizz I use it every watering and gradually up the uptake when outdoors. It has a low n-p-k ratio so you shouldn't be able to fuck it up. If I have the money I get bat guano for flowering and make a tea. Patience is the key.


Well-Known Member
Compost tea, it's cheaper than any nutrients you can buy once you get past the start up costs which aren't that expensive themselves. Here are all the recipes you need in the post below


Just a word of caution though, it says use 5TBSP of molasses but that can be too much sometimes. Just start off with 1-2TBSP and see how that works for you. All that you'll need to do is go to your local Home Depot/Lowes for some 5 gallon buckets. You'll need a pump that's powerful enough to pump through the amount of gallons you'll be making. I have two 5 gallon buckets, one for my veg and flower teas respectively. I spent $30 for an aquarium pump that's supposed to be good for up to 20 gallons but it barely does the job. I would recommend spending a little bit more money on a hydroponic pump, these pumps are built for our hobby where as the aquarium pump I bought is just meant for aquariums. You just need something powerful enough to constantly pump air into your 5 gallon buckets of tea.

Another word of advice, go to your local pet store and look for a dechlorinator product. My local Petco has this bottle of stuff that's for aquariums, it's about $10 for a nicely sized bottle and you only need a tiny amount to remove the chlorine/chloramine that is bad for your beneficial microbes. Plus it's made with aloe vera which is also a great organic ingredient.

The ingredients for those tea recipes are usually very cheap though. You get a 2.2 lb box of the guanos, alfalfa and kelp meals, and most of that stuff for $7 bucks each and they last for quite a few batches of compost tea. And instead of earthworm castings I like to use the alaskan humisoil because it's loaded with microbes that will make your tea great. Make yourself a veg and bloom tea asap with these recipes and you will be completely amazed with the results, you usually see results within the next day.