whatapotheads bigbud shop.


Well-Known Member
alright i got a shop that is 18x26 in size. i'm growing in a 5x8x5 cab for now up on a loft in the shop until i'm sure it is safe.

here are some shots of the building process.

i got 8 bigbud sprouts that are about 3-5" tall so far and are finally straightening out after a rough start.

they sprouted on Oct 30th and this is them after about a week and a half.

they are under 2 4' two bulb T8 lights and also 5 26w CFLs in between.

now here they are at 17 days and just got their second feeding of full strength nutes today.

please comment on why the first sets of leaves are so FRICKIN FAT??? they don't hardly look like mary jane leaves?

also they are super bushy in a few of those pics from the top you can't even see down and they are only on their 2nd-3rd nodes.

i'll post later on the future of this grow and what my flowering plans are.




Well-Known Member
soil is pro-mix organic
ph is 6.0-6.2
temp is 73-74
humidity is 28-30%

nutes are foxfarm grow big feeding them full strength once a week about. every other watering and i water every 3 days.

let me know if you see any problems.


Well-Known Member
The leaves being massively fat are a traight of the big bud strain,it's kinda weird getting used to looking at them but it's 100% normal.

I was running big bud in one of my rooms until i tried out a couple grows of top 44 & since have turned the big bud room into an all top 44 room,the harvest is very close in weight between the 2 strains & top 44 is a much more skunk taste/smell & buzz over big bud,one great thing about big bud is that the smell from the plants while they are in heavy budding is not too skunky compared to other strains ive grown & is easier to conceal.

Another thing about big bud is the finish time,dont pay any attention to the bullshit the seedbanksd spew about it being finished in 60 days,big bud will keep packing on the weight all the way up to & past the 90 day mark,when i was still growing big bud i was amazed & how many new calyx's would expolde on the buds up to the 90 day mark,let em grow as long as possible,it makes a huge weight difference & the quality of smoke is drastically better twords the 90 day mark.

Once you get the comfort level up & are ready to expand try out the top 44 strain,i'd be willing to bet you'll like it better & so will your friends.


Well-Known Member
thanks alot panhead. this is my second grow with bigbud and i harvested the last one at like 72 or 74 days. don't member but they were pretty light and fluffy and i used a 400w hps on them..

had 13 plants all 18" or so tall at finish of flower and only got about 3 oz. i was happy sinice it was my first grow but really want to push my limits now and get a good yield.

will definately look into the top44.

any other recommendations on strains would be appreciated, as i will be making another seed order after the first or second harvest.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt doo top 44...do somthing that is well known...Critical mass..or a c99...even a northern lights or some kush...soo how big are you planing on making your grow place? and how much power...


Well-Known Member
3-4 1000w hps stadium grow. in a room 9x14' 9'high
not sure on the plant numbers yet. 40-80 i'm guessing and it will be perpetual.

that critical mass grow on here with just 3 600watters is super impressive.


Well-Known Member
panhead. here is a pic of my "BigBud" last time i grew it. these seeds were from amsterdamnseedbank or whatever it is...

my new seeds with the big fat leaves are from attitude and came in original packaging.

think they were still bigbud?


Well-Known Member
man i might have a nute burn issue. watered them on sunday. checked on them today and they were droopy cause they were super dry and couple have yellow bottom leaves now. hopefully it is just from the dryness but we'll see.

pics when i get a chance.


Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics at 22 days. they got super dried out a few days ago and a few of the leaves turned like a dull green and died but never turned yellow but when i grabbed them the crumbled in my hand. and a few leaves twisted but other than that i think all of them are ok except for one.

in the first picture notice the yellowing or light greening of the leaves... is this from a deficiency? they have received two full doses of fox farm grow big so far but haven't gotten any in 5 days since i thought i might have burned them but i think i'll get back on my schedule slowly starting monday.

let me know what you think. my over watering first and then under watering has slowed their growth. at 22days i think i could have them alot bigger than this.



Well-Known Member
26 days......

they are now under a 400w hps but i need to install my cooltube as my temps are 80*

also got a 1/4 shot of nutes today day 27. they seem to be loving the 400w tho



Well-Known Member
dude.. inspired and subscribed.. +reps for ballz!

i have been pondering a situation like this for some time now.. just may have to act when the economy gets even worse LOL

i got a couple ideas for ya that i had thought about using if i ever had the chance to go after such an endeavor..

first of all you could put some empty boxes taped up and shit on the loft to cover up the big box and just say its storage and stuff but anyway here is the real deal

i used to do auto body and paint work and was thinking that you could build a big flowering room and deck it out however you want and just run a custom painting front.. let me elaborate

paint booths have to be built inside a room, are known to have ventilation and temp. control because the whole point is to be a totally clean room so that no dust particles or anything get in the room to get on whatever you are painting, and super strong exhausts to pull out the over spray from the paint gun so that you dont get uneven layering for the base and clear coats. they also need lots of even light, so large amount of cords, power going in would not be suspicious at all

this way you could have a large room inside your room, with noticeable ventilation, which could have no windows, just a door and a lock... if for some reason they ever said they needed to inspect it, you could clear it out, switch the hps fixtures, to some heavy duty florescents, and your good to go!

and the only thing you would need is an air pump, and some pnumatic tools, like a sprayer and a sander, you could also get a nice pnumatic drill which you could use for your construction and your good to go

i donno, thats just something i had always thought about, may be a fit for ya maybe not, either way i love what you are doing, keep it up and keep us updated!



Well-Known Member
Flo. thats the plan.... well not exactly a paint shop but i do plan on buying my own shop and running a business out of it.

i've done some fiberglass work (custom sub boxes) and that stuff is rank for sure so i would also need good venting for that and room inside a room. so that the whole shop wouldn't smell so thats what i am going to say my flower room is.

i do want to hit this shop hard and get out tho. renting isn't the best way to run something like this. but is better than risking our home.

more pics tomorrow. was really looking to be farther along than i am now but my plants seemed to have been stunted a couple times and i think it was ph issues...

but like i said.. they are under a 400w hps now and they are shootin up.


Well-Known Member
here they are at 34 days. they are just now showing from nute lockout and i'm believing thats why i had stunted growth on and off since they sprouted.

lockout was caused by low ph... tested the run off today and it was 5.0 flushed with 6.5 and then with nutes and epsom salts also at 6.5

run off then showed 5.2-5.3 going to flush in a couple more days again with 7.0 water.

is this the best way to get my ph back up? i know you don't want to change too much ph in one day.

if i'm off track on recovery please point me in the right direction.



Well-Known Member
you def. need to flush em out with 7.0 pronto, dont wait a few days just get er done! you want it to be 6.5 to 6.7 now, when they get bigger 6.7 to 6.9

realized i may have freaked you out but dont worry they look good tho!


Well-Known Member
alright here is an update. really wish i woulda topped them when they were smaller. think i still should? or should i wait and use a clone as a mother and i'll be sure to top it a couple times...



Active Member
Whatapothead, definitely subscribing for this.

I have a few questions though.

Do you pay a separate electricity or is it included in the rent?

Also, are you running an AC in there and if not, what's the outside temp?

Looking at the pictures, is the 400 inside that box in the corner of the shop?

Keep updating this!


Well-Known Member
if they are not flowering then sure you can top em now. in fact you could top em, keep track of which is which, and root the tops, then have 2 of each mother... once they root n get big top n have 3 of each and so on.. once you flower and determine which is the best mother then you can ditch all but the best one and have3 or 4 mothers already


Active Member
wow you spoil your plants seems to me like your spedning all your money on them its ok i do that too im always trying to buy more things to make my grow box better


Active Member
im am so happy to see this post, i am doing the same seeds for the same bank. one thing i have noticed on these plants is the roots grow like crazy i have had to re pot them 3 times. and i am also using FF soils and nutes. Good luck and ill be watching this journal