what would YOU do?


thank you i appreciate it, you think its possible even with it that limp and dead looking? i mean it was literally haning by the skin, i tapped it up and stuff so im hoping it takes but maybe i will give your method a try when the light comes back on


yea thats what im thinkin, but do younotice how the plant that you posted is sort of still got life in it? now take a look at the pic i posted you notice how its sort of limp and dead? thats where i think the problem is, i mean i taped it like immediatley after it happened but i think i may have caused to much damage, i really dont know though i think you could answer that question better, the lights are off now or i woul take another pic for you but in the morning ill take a look and see whats up, i think either way ill know in the next few days if it will recover or not, but youknow how when u take a branch off and it goes totally limp and everythin just seems dead? thats sort of what it looked like, just totally limp and lifeless


Hey man how did this go. Did you let it go or taped it.it just happen to me clean break right off. I had to tape it up 3 times till I felt good about it. But it still don't look.like it's going to make it.


yeah she didnt make it lol, i ended up just removing it, honestly my tent is so god damn packed that it really doesnt matter casue another branch took right over and is now as thick as the one that broke was, so im not to worried about it, im actually more worried about my height issue at this point, def gonna have to do some tieing down, hopefully it works out


Yea I was worried about my humidity so I poped my hand in my tent and right away "snap" like stepping on a stick. I'm bummed out but my real problems the humidity. I'll give a couple days see what happens.


whats your humidity looking like? temps? what lights and medium are you using, im sure i can help you with that.


6- 600. Coco. My temps are around 70. My humidity problems are during lights off. I just took a look and my Lil splint I made with a cutip and tape isnt gonna work. It's holding it but the top is just flop over like a dead body. Lol oh well.


yea, actually bro i usually have problesm with humidity during lights out to, i actually had to throw a dehumidifer in my tent for the very end of flowering as i was afraid of bud rot, but i never got any or even got close to gettign any i dont think anyways, i think the humidity goes up like that when lights off no matter really what u do, as lon as it goes back down when lights come on i think your fine but i defk now aht you mean about the RH rising way high when lights are out